Dolphin Studies Could Reveal Secrets of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Sep 2, 2011 · While SETI scans the galaxy for evidence of advanced alien civilizations, studying dolphins may also teach us about non-human intelligence.
The Order of the Dolphin: SETI’s Secret Origin Story
Oct 10, 2018 · Their goal was simple: they were alien hunting, hoping to hear radio communications originating from intelligent extraterrestrials. UFOs were popular then, but Drake’s research was legitimate, one of the first dedicated scientific searches for aliens.
Dolphin | Alien Species | Fandom
Dolphin is a name used to refer to several species of medium to large sized aquatic mammals on planet Earth. Dolphins inhabit all of the world's oceans, with a number of freshwater species also occurring in tropical rivers. They are gregarious predators; …
How Dolphins on LSD Shaped the Search for Extraterrestrial …
While dolphin intelligence, interspecies communication, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence are all active and legitimate areas of scientific research today, at the time of the Green Bank conference Lilly’s ideas about nonhuman intelligence on Earth were considered fringe, even among other scientists working on interspecies ...
The Secret Origins of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Feb 11, 2019 · So when a group of science luminaries from a variety of disciplines met at a rural observatory in West Virginia to talk about little green men, they did so in secret. They called themselves the Order of the Dolphin, and almost single …
Where are the dolphins? - Nature
Feb 22, 2001 · Dolphins are the nearest thing to intelligent aliens on this planet, but they are our close evolutionary cousins, and they share many of our own accidental features. There might, perhaps, be...
Can dolphins help us talk to extraterrestrials? - NBC News
Aug 31, 2011 · Understanding the relationships between the 200 members of one dolphin pod is key to unraveling what their dozens of whistles, clicks and other signals mean researchers say. Their study has...
Dolphins Could Be the Key in Talking to Aliens — Details - Green …
Jul 11, 2023 · Are dolphins aliens? Researchers have been studying dolphins as a bridge to future extraterrestrial communication. Here's what to know.
What We’ve Learned from Giving Dolphins LSD - VICE
Mar 2, 2017 · Today, the field of human-dolphin communication is alive and well: There are now machine interfaces that are capable of “translating” dolphin vocalizations and other research has found that...
The Aliens In Our Oceans: Dolphins As Analogs - Big Ear
Feb 21, 2006 · These terrestrial aliens are the Cetaceans, a large group of marine mammals which includes the whales, dolphins, and porpoises. In several respects, these graceful and curious animals can serve as a useful model for our attempts to …