Get domain name of a url in C# / .NET - Stack Overflow
Jun 24, 2013 · And I think we should also consider some url like www.google.co.uk which root domain name contain more than one '.' – 2power10 Commented May 10, 2013 at 7:00
url - Difference between domain vs hostnames - Stack Overflow
Mar 23, 2024 · Here is short explanation in case you are referencing "Name server" hosts: Each domain once configured needs 2-3 name servers that will know how to resolve all its subdomains, aliases usually these are provided by hosting company where we are placing our domain.
Extract domain from URL in python - Stack Overflow
Jun 30, 2017 · For parsing the domain of a URL in Python 3, you can use: ... Extract domain name from URL in Python. 0 ...
java - Get domain name from given url - Stack Overflow
Mar 7, 2012 · Given a URL, I want to extract domain name(It should not include 'www' part). Url can contain http/https. Here is the java code that I wrote. Though It seems to work fine, is there any better approach or are there some edge cases, that could fail.
Extract domain name from URL in Python - Stack Overflow
import re def getDomain(url:str) -> str: ''' Return the domain from any url ''' # copy the original url text clean_url = url # take out protocol reg = re.findall(':[0 ...
web services - Parts of a URL: host, port, path - Stack Overflow
Feb 13, 2012 · landfill.bugzilla.org is the URL that indicates to which DNS servers it has to go to resolve the Host name, which is "landfill". The correct answer at the configuration level is that the host is "landfill" and "landfill.bugzilla.org" is the full URL that tells you what the host is and what server you have to go to in order to find it.
php - Parsing domain from a URL - Stack Overflow
Nov 26, 2017 · The code that was meant to work 100% didn't seem to cut it for me, I did patch the example a little but found code that wasn't helping and problems with it. so I changed it out to a couple of functions (to save asking for the list from Mozilla all …
How to show only domain name or custom url in the address bar?
Jan 13, 2016 · Now I want a reverse technique, when redirecting to expected page, url should be displayed as custom url. I need like URL masking or display custom url using frameset or iframe as such. check this website. Whatever option we click, it will redirect to the desired page but url in the address bar remains the same. I want exactly like that.
How to extract the hostname portion of a URL in JavaScript
Extract domain name suffix from any url. 28. How to extract the host from a URL in JavaScript? 1.
Extract domain using regular expression - Stack Overflow
Dec 14, 2012 · I used the named group (?P<domain>\w+) to grab the match, which is then indexed by its name, m.group('domain'). The great thing about learning regular expressions is that once you are comfortable with them, solving even the most complicated parsing problems is relatively simple.