Dominion Online
Dominion Online Web Client. Dominion Online Web Client. Forgot your password? Kick Kick & Resign. Server connection was closed or could not be established. Retry. Version: 1.9.3 Shuffle iT Forum. English Русский Deutsch Français 日本語 ...
Dominion (card game) - Wikipedia
Dominion is a card game created by Donald X. Vaccarino and published by Rio Grande Games. Originally published in 2008, it was the first deck-building game, and inspired a genre of games building on its central mechanic. [1] [2] In Dominion, each player takes turns repeatedly drawing through their own personal deck of cards. Each player's deck ...
Dominion - Rio Grande Games
Dominion is the award-winning game that revolutionized gaming. Play the game that started the deck-building genre. The game has also more than a dozen expansions to enhance play.
领土|Dominion – 玩桌游 – 中国桌游第一专业媒体
你从你的父母那边继承了一个小王国,有者小小的领地,一条小河贯穿其中,附近还有一座小森林,但是你并不想要安于现状,你想要扩张你的领土,让你的领地更加繁荣,使你的人民更为富裕,不过在你付近的几个领主似乎也有相同的打算,谁能够先抢得先机呢? 这是个牌叠组合游戏。 游戏前需要先定下可供使用的卡牌,然后玩家透过购入这些卡牌来丰富自己的牌叠,并可行使卡牌的能力来优化卡牌的组合。 简单而言,卡牌共分3大类:财富牌用以购入其他卡牌;行动牌用 …
Dominion | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Acquire the most valuable lands by building your deck with treasure and power cards. "You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom, with more rivers and a wider variety of trees.
Dominion on Steam
Expand a small kingdom to a mighty Dominion! Play the Spiel des Jahres winning boardgame beloved by millions around the world. Discover the game that defined a genre, Dominion was first to popularize deck-building and remains a staple of tabletop. This is …
Rio Grande Games Dominion 2nd Edition | Deckbuilding Strategy Game …
2016年10月3日 · Amazon.com: Rio Grande Games Dominion 2nd Edition | Deckbuilding Strategy Game for 2-4 Players, Ages 13+ | Updated Cards, Artwork, Streamlined Rules : Movies & TV
- 评论数: 3545
Dominion Strategy Wiki
2024年12月4日 · The Dominion Strategy Wiki was launched in October 2012 as a resource of knowledge and strategy about the card game Dominion. As part of Dominion Strategy , it was started by members of the Dominion Strategy Forum as a space where Dominion information can be developed in an open environment.
Gameplay - Dominion Strategy Wiki
2025年1月8日 · In a game of Dominion, each player is given a starting deck of 10 cards, and they play around a Supply of card piles that they can buy from over the course of the game. On their turn, a player goes through three turn phases:
Dominion - Dominion Strategy Wiki
2024年10月5日 · Dominion is a deck building card game created by Donald X. Vaccarino originally published in October of 2008 by Rio Grande Games. It consists of the original Base set Dominion and more than a dozen expansions .