donk CS2 Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
3 天之前 · Team Spirit donk settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for CS2.
Danil 'donk' Kryshkovets's Counter-Strike Player Profile | HLTV.org
Danil Kryshkovets known as donk, is a 18 year old Counter-Strike player from Russia, currently playing for Spirit.
donk - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Danil "donk" Kryshkovets (born January 25, 2007) is a Russian professional Counter-Strike 2 player and a former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player.
donk (gamer) - Wikipedia
Danil Kryshkovets[b], better known by his nickname donk, is a Russian professional Counter-Strike 2 player for Team Spirit who is widely recognized for his aggressive playstyle. [1] Born on January 25th, 2007 in Tomsk, Danil started playing Counter-Strike at the age of four when his brother introduced him to the game.
Danil 'donk' Kryshkovets Counter-Strike Statistics | HLTV.org
Professional statistical overview and career highlights for Counter-Strike player Danil 'donk' Kryshkovets.
Donk,本名Danil Kryshkovets,男,2007年1月25日出生,俄罗斯《反恐精英2》电竞选手,现效力于Spirit战队。 2021年8月,被CS星探发掘,加入Spirit青训队。 2023年7月,被管理层选入主队。
完美世界上海Major落幕,Spirit新王登基!17岁donk成为Major史 …
2024年12月16日 · donk成为Major历史上最年轻的冠军和最年轻的Major赛事MVP! 这位17岁的超新星在上海Major上打出4次单局5杀,其中还包括1次神迹1V5,他在上海击穿了整个CS赛场。
17岁天才的崛起:CS2职业选手donk的2024年成长轨迹 - 知乎
在2024年的《CS2》职业赛场上,俄罗斯选手Danil "donk" Kryshkovets以惊人的速度从新秀蜕变为全球瞩目的超级巨星。 年仅17岁的他不仅打破了多项历史纪录,更以近乎“统治级”的表现带领Spirit战队(绿龙)…
Who is Donk? Player Career and His Settings in CS2.
2024年5月3日 · There is proof of that: at the first top tournament of the season, donk won the prestigious trophy and took several individual prizes. The blix.gg team is ready to tell you about the new eSports star in CS2! Who is Donk? The donk’s real name is Danil Kryshkovets. He was born on January 25, 2007 in Tomsk, Russia.
完美世界上海Major落幕,Spirit新王登基! 17歲donk成為Major史 …
2024年12月16日 · 17歲超新星donk成為Major史上最年輕的冠軍和賽事MVP。 【上海Major決賽日戰果】 表演賽上週冠宇完成了他的CS電競首秀,雙方在場上技能卡互丟歡樂不斷,Summer現場足底按摩,SOMEBODY變身鳳凰戰士,玩機器不能帶耳機交流,s1mple邊唱邊玩,Zeus單手操作,Yatoro歪頭殺…最後Team BYE在表演賽更勝一籌。 Spirit 2-1擊敗FaZe,奪冠! 圖一nuke,FaZe贏下手槍局隨即便被donk沙鷹3殺翻盤,magixx黃房上3殺,隨著馬西西和donk連 …