Nøkk | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Following Nighthaven's defection from Rainbow in early 2022, Six reorganized Rainbow into squads in order to increase its operational effectiveness. Nøkk was placed on Ghosteyes squad. Led by Taina "Caveira" Pereira, it specialized in stealth and infiltration missions.
虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege - huiji.wiki
Nøkk的技能可以抹除其在敌方监控设备里的影像,且无法被敌方 标记:包括观测设备标记和触发 “棱镜”装置。 技能在正常运作期间不会消耗能量,可以无限使用。 技能在启动期间并非永远正常运作,某些情况会导致 技能异常。 技能异常时,自己的位置会在情报设施的视野中暴露出被干扰的状态 [3],同时消耗技能能量,最多10秒耗尽所有能量。 但仍然保留免疫标记效果。 进行放置拆弹器、拔除 蛊针陷阱 和部署次要装备等交互动作时。 技能发生异常时,Nøkk第一视角两侧会出 …
Nøkk | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Strike fear, infiltrate undercover and gather intel will be key to become Nøkk with the official Nøkk Cosplay guide! The Operator Cosplay guide includes a full 360 view of Nøkk’s Operator model, detailed close-ups of her Uniform items, guns and accessories, as well as the original color schemes and patterns.
R6: Siege Stats, Leaderboards & More! - Rainbow Six Siege Tracker
Rainbow Six: Siege Tracker is an in-game real-time tracking solution for your Rainbow Six: Siege stats. We calculate your performance to make sure you are on top of the competition. PC Required. Does not support Xbox or Playstation. Track ad-free on all of our sites and apps. Stand out from the crowd with a custom profile.
Rook - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
获得 首次强制击倒:在当前回合 仅第一次 受到非爆头且非 近战攻击 的致命伤害时仍 强制 被 击倒 [2],而不会被直接击杀。 若玩家在穿上护甲前已经进入过 击倒 状态,或正处于绳降状态,则该 强制击倒 增益无法触发。 干员倒地后流血的速度减缓50%,但干员无法主动止血。 [3] 护甲包有体积碰撞,可以阻挡车洞、 阔剑地雷 等。 护甲包可以通过任何伤害来销毁:枪械和激光射击需要耗光其生命值,而爆炸物和 近战攻击 可立即销毁。 被击倒时能够奋起的干员不会被 “战友”治疗仪 …
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
Master the art of destruction and gadgetry in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. Face intense close quarters combat, high lethality, tactical decision making, team play, and explosive action within every moment. Available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.
Rainbow Six Siege operator guide: Nøkk
2024年7月1日 · Nøkk is a Rainbow Six Siege attacker introduced to the game on May 2019 with the release of Operation Phantom Sight. Nøkk's gadget is the HEL Presence Reduction, an ability that allows her to go invisible to cameras. Sounds unstoppable right? Well, although Nøkk's position in the current meta is strong, there are ways to stop her.
Rainbow Six (novel) - Wikipedia
Rainbow Six is a techno-thriller novel written by Tom Clancy and released on August 3, 1998. It is the second book to primarily focus on John Clark, one of the recurring characters in the Ryanverse, after Without Remorse (1993); it also features his …
Should I main rook or doc?? Who is the better operator?
Both are good team players but Rook is the team player that can really make the difference IMO. I kind of feel like rook is more of an anchor and doc is kind of a close roam who can take a fight …
彩虹六号围攻游戏专区_彩虹六号围攻中文版下载及攻略秘籍 _ 游民 …
就在今年的R6:S最高级别国际赛事Six Invitational 2025(SI 2025)上,育碧做出了可能是十年以来针对这个IP最为重要的一次官宣:他们公布. CNR6正式进军,WBG正式官宣加入彩虹六号电竞 原文如下:我们很高兴地宣布,微博游戏电竞已与世界领先的游戏开发商育碧正式建立战略合作伙伴关系。 我们很荣幸能够在《彩虹六号:围攻》亚太联赛亚洲赛区获. 梦回2016! 终于不用加密直播彩六了! 我只是一个R6一百多级的菜鸡,不讨论游戏内容,简单的说一下自己对国服的看 …