Doom 2: RAY TRACED mod - ModDB
2024年8月12日 · Realtime path tracing allows shadows, reflections and global illumination without any prebaking. Everything has a shadow. Emissive maps contribute to lighting. Volumetric lighting is traced to simulate a dense atmosphere. Mirrors reflect. Glass refracts and reflects. Particle-based fluid simulation for blood.
Releases · vs-shirokii/gzdoom-rt - GitHub
NVIDIA RTX Remix is an alternative renderer for Doom II: Ray Traced. RTX Remix renders a fully path traced image with more complex light interactions, and provides a drastically sharper, non-noisy image on high-end devices.
Doom 2: RAY TRACED 1.0.2 file - ModDB
2024年8月12日 · This mod is NOT using RTX Remix. Learn more about ModDB's collaboration with the Remix community to organize all compatible games, and Doom II's support for RTX. Hide this dialog.
Doom II RTX mod (for GZDoom) :: DOOM + DOOM II General …
2024年8月14日 · A new ray tracing mod for Doom II. I made this demonstration video. Mod can be downloaded from Github: https://github.com/vs-shirokii/gzdoom-rt/releases/tag/rt-1.0.2
Dazzling Doom 2 mod upgrades the legendary FPS with full …
2024年8月13日 · Doom 2: Ray Traced is also compatible with RTX Remix. Shredding demons in Doom 2 never looked better. (Image credit: shirokii) Overall, it's an incredibly impressive feat, and something...
Doom 2 with Ray Tracing Download - TechSpot
2024年8月14日 · Doom II: Hell on Earth, is the beloved sequel to the groundbreaking DOOM (1993). It introduces players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action. To...
Doom 2: RAY TRACED - Map Releases & Development - Doomworld
By vs-shirokii, August 12, 2024 in Map Releases & Development. A heavy modification of GZDoom to bring: voxel models + ray tracing/pbr or whatever, is very cursed looking indeed. finally: doom 2, the way it was MEANT to be played. This will be doom in 2014.
Doom II RTX mod for GZDoom - Source Ports - Doomworld
2024年8月14日 · Now we have a beautiful RTX mod for Doom II, using GZDoom. I am not the mod creator. It was made by V. Shirokii. The mod can be found here: https://github.com/vs-shirokii/gzdoom-rt/releases/tag/rt-1.0.2. I made this gameplay video to demonstrate the mod. (The music I used in the video is by Buckethead.) This looks actually pretty good.
Guide :: How to play Ray Traced DOOM (PrBoom) - Steam Community
2022年4月4日 · How to install and play the Ray Tracing mod for DOOM. 1) An Nvidia GPU capable of ray tracing. (RTX series of cards) As of the 1.04 release AMD GPUs now work but are apparently still unstable. 3) Windows 10/11 (Doesn't work on Linux but the mod author does seem interested in adding support for it.)
Ray Traced DOOM :: DOOM + DOOM II General Discussions - Steam Community
2024年8月20日 · You need to try out the Doom II RTX mod. It's amazing. Much better than the Ultimate Doom ray tracing mod.