doom3.4 file - ModDB
This mod changes the textures of characters, weapons and monsters to the textures of doom 4
MAP34: Plant Ops (Doom 64) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
MAP34: Plant Ops is the thirty-fourth map in the 2020 re-release of Doom 64 and the first map of its new The Lost Levels episode. This map takes place on a distant, abandoned UAC base on the surface of Sedna.[1] It was designed by Samuel Villarreal (Kaiser) and uses the music track "Collision Course".
34 Level Megawad Inspired by PSX Doom & Doom 64 [GZDoom]
2024年12月16日 · - 34 levels (33 regular maps + 1 story related) inspired by the more experimental & atmospheric doom games. - Also heavy influence from Doom 3 & Quake - Aubrey Hodges heartpounding soundtrack returns along with fresh horror tracks by BouncyTEM & …
MAP34: Plant Ops (Doom 64) | Doom Wiki | Fandom
MAP34: Plant Ops is the first map of The Lost Levels in Doom 64, exclusive to the remastered version. This level is somewhat similar to the PlayStation port of Doom, with complex, winding corridors, closed-off areas, a river of acid cutting parts of the base off and a teleportation network allowing the player to access various parts of the map.
Doom 64 Lost Levels 1 (map 34), Plant Ops: Secrets
2020年5月8日 · Shows one path to reach all keys, all score-affecting Secrets, and the exit, in Doom 64 level 34, Plant Ops. This is the first map of The Lost Levels, a separate 6-map Episode (using level...
Downloads - 34DOOM mod for Doom II - ModDB
34DOOM (A.K.A La 34ème DOOMension) is a GZDoom total conversion that includes silliness, memes, known worlds to explore and many more stuff! The main file. Only works on GZDoom …
Object "34": Sonar - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
Object "34": Sonar is a single-level PWAD for Doom II, meant for limit-removing ports that was released on December 31, 2011 by Lainos. Set in a massive underwater station amid a communications blackout, Object "34" is the last entry in a series of maps created by Lainos, which began with Object "32" in 2008 and continued in Da Will's MAP10 ...
doom3.4 mod - ModDB
2019年7月10日 · This is a port of the BFG Edition campaing 'The Lost Mission' for 2004's Doom 3 release. (Resurrection of Evil expansion pack is also required). Lunar Apocalypse (Duke Nukem tribute)
34DOOM - La 34ème DOOMension by Max le Fou (JMF Games)
New weapons, new monsters, new power ups, some from old games, some that are pure craziness! Levels based on fictional locations! Duke3D-like optional taunting system! Puzzles and quests! Boss fights! Creepypasta and meme entities! Multiplayer capable! Multilingual! A complete installer for a playable out-of-the-box experience!
Category:MAP34 - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
2010年8月9日 · The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total. Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 International unless otherwise noted. (Terms of Use)