Dornier Do 31 - Wikipedia
The Dornier Do 31 is an experimental, jet-propelled, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) cargo aircraft that was designed and produced by West German aircraft manufacturer Dornier.
Dornier Do-31: World's First and Only VTOL Jet Transport Ever Built
2022年10月11日 · The Dornier Do-31, a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) transport aircraft, was developed in West Germany in the 1960s out of concern that a conflict might destroy existing runways and render...
Dornier Do 31 – Wikipedia
Die Dornier Do 31 war ein deutsches Senkrechtstarter - Frachtflugzeug. Im Jahr 1959 begannen erste Vorarbeiten, und im Februar 1962 bekam der Flugzeughersteller Dornier den Auftrag, die Do 31 als Kampfzonentransporter der 25-Tonnen-Klasse zum Transport von 36 voll ausgerüsteten Soldaten für die Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr zu entwickeln.
Do 31, a Great Idea, so what Happened to it? - PlaneHistoria
2023年10月17日 · The Dornier Do 31, a VTOL transport, was designed in response to German Air Force interest in STOVL aircraft. NATO’s NBMR-4 specification further fueled development. Three aircraft, including two flight-ready ones, were built. On February 10, 1967, the Do 31 had its maiden flight, and in July 1967, it performed its first hovering flight.
Inside The Cockpit - Dornier Do-31 - YouTube
The Dornier Do-31 is a West-German V/STOL transport jet designed during the Cold War. Let's get onboard this one and discover what make this aircraft tick! ...more
The Dornier Do-31: A Visionary but Doomed VTOL Jet Transport
2024年1月30日 · The Do-31 was a remarkable feat of engineering, but also a complex and costly project that faced many technical and political challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the history, design,...
Dornier Do 31 - Deutsches Museum
Two prototypes were used between 1967–1969 as experimental aircraft for researching and testing VTOL flight. The Do 31 was conceived as a transport air craft for supplying small …
Dornier Do 31 - Wikipedie
Dornier Do 31 byl západoněmecký experimentální transportní letoun se schopnostmi VTOL vyvinutý firmou Dornier. Dornier Do 31 byl navržen tak, aby splnil specifikaci NATO (NBMR-4) pro letadla taktické podpory letounů EWR VJ 101 VTOL strike, které byly navrženy v …
Dornier Do 31 - VTOL transport - aviastar.org
The Do 31, which established several world records during its ferry flight to the 1969 Paris Air Show, was the first and so-far only vertical take-off jet transport built in the world. Dornier Do 31 on YOUTUBE
Das Do 31 Programm
Die Dornier Do 31 V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing) ist weltweit das einzige, je gebaute Transportflugzeug mit Strahlantrieb, das senkrecht starten und landen konnte.