Dornier Do 335 - Wikipedia
The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) is a heavy fighter built by Dornier for Germany during World War II. The Pfeil ' s performance was predicted to be better than other twin-engine designs due to its unusual push-pull configuration and the lower aerodynamic drag of …
Dornier Do 335 A-0 Pfeil (Arrow) - National Air and Space Museum
The Dornier Do 335 was one of the fastest propeller-driven aircraft ever flown. The Germans claimed that a pilot flew a Do 335 at a speed of 846 km/h (474 mph) in level flight at a time when the official world speed record was 755 km/h (469 mph). Two liquid-cooled engines each developing about 1,750 hp powered the Do 335.
There's Only One German Dornier Do 335 Left In The World
2022年1月11日 · The Dornier Do 335 is one of Germany’s most weird and wonderful late WWII aircraft. Its unique push-pull engine configuration made the Do 335 extremely fast, but it also meant the aircraft was unreliable and exceedingly complex.
Do 335戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多尼爾 Do 335 Pfeil (箭式) 是 二戰 期間由 多尼爾 (英语:Dornier Flugzeugwerke) 開發出來的一款 重戰機。 雙人座的教練機被稱為 Ameisenbär(食蟻獸)。 由於兩具發動機獨特的縱列 推拉式 (英语:push-pull configuration) 佈局使得阻力大減,使得Do 335的性能優於其它款的重型戰機。 納粹德國空軍 全力支持以求能夠迅速投產扭轉戰局,但由於發動機交貨不斷延遲以至到終戰之前只有少數的飛機出廠。 Do 335可以回溯到 第一次世界大戰, 克勞迪斯·多尼爾 (英 …
Do335箭式战斗机 - 百度百科
道尼尔 Do 335 Pfeil (箭式)是二战期间由道尼尔开发出来的一款重型战斗机。 双人座的教练机被称为Ameisenbär(食蚁兽)。 由于两具发动机独特的纵列推拉式布局使得阻力大减,使得Do 335的性能优于其它款的重型战机。
Dornier Do 335 A-0 Pfeil (Arrow) - Smithsonian Institution
The Dornier Do 335 was one of the fastest propeller-driven aircraft ever flown. The Germans claimed that a pilot flew a Do 335 at a speed of 846 km/h (474 mph) in level flight at a time when the official world speed record was 755 km/h (469 mph).
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) Single-Seat, Twin-Engine Heavy …
2021年5月12日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) Single-Seat, Twin-Engine Heavy Fighter Aircraft including pictures.
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil – Specifications, Facts ... - ️𝙈𝙖𝙜
2013年2月20日 · Dornier Do 335 Pfeil was one of the fastest piston-engined fighters in the world ever to have attained production status. The Germans claimed a maximum speed in excess of 756 km/h (470 mph) for the single-seat version of the Pfeil, or Do 335 as it was officially known.
Do 335 Arrow - WW2 Weapons
The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil (Arrow) was a unique and innovative German heavy fighter and fighter-bomber designed during World War II. It had a distinctive push-pull configuration with two engines, one in the nose and one in the rear of the fuselage, driving propellers in …
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil - German WW2 Aircraft & Warplanes
The Dornier Do 335 (or “Pfeil”)was a German heavy fighter aircraft developed by the Dornier company during World War II. It was designed as a two-seat fighter-bomber with a unique “push-pull” engine configuration, which placed the two engines in a tandem arrangement on the centerline of the fuselage.