MS-DOS 2.x - WinWorld
In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones. For IBM-specific releases, please see the IBM PC-DOS product page. DOS 2.x adds support for subdirectories and larger (as in 10 MB) disks.
DOS 2.11 From Scratch | OS/2 Museum
2021年9月21日 · Comparing the DOS 1.1 source with DOS 2.11 it is obvious that DOS 2.0 was a very major update and almost the entire core of the operating system was either heavily modified or written from scratch.
MS-DOS - Wikipedia
MS-DOS (/ ˌɛmˌɛsˈdɒs / em-es-DOSS; acronym for Microsoft Disk Operating System, also known as Microsoft DOS) is an operating system for x86 -based personal computers mostly developed by Microsoft.
ms-dos 2.11 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet …
2021年10月2日 · Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer.
MS-DOS 2.11 - 20世纪下载站
这是软盘镜像,推荐使用DiskDupe解压,WinImage默认不支持,不过可以用WinImage强制解开。 文件服务器不稳定,若无法下载,请收藏本页,过一天再试,谢谢您的理解与支持! 更多... 1.软件版权归属原作者所有。 2.请不要非法盗链,否则将会受到法律的严惩! 3.站内提供的所有资料均是由网上搜集,若侵犯了你的版权利益,敬请留言通知我们! 4.如果您发现死链、错链,请您在软件评论中留言,我将尽快处理,谢谢! Copyright © 2009- 2025 All Rights Reserved. Main site. …
MS-DOS 2.11 / 2.92 - Archive.org
Publication date 1985-03-15 Topics Victor 9000, ACT Sirius 1, MS-DOS 2.11, Microsoft, MSBASIC Publisher Victor Technologies, Inc. Contributor Microsoft, Inc. Item Size 26.9M
MS-DOS 2.11 For American-XT (1983) - Archive.org
2024年2月25日 · Publication date 1983 Topics American-XT, Clone, MS-DOS, Floppy Language English Item Size 860.3K
COMPAQ MS-DOS 2.11 | PCjs Machines
Run DOS, Windows, OS/2 and other vintage PC applications in a web browser on your desktop computer, iPhone, or iPad. An assortment of microcomputers, minicomputers, terminals, …
MS-DOS 2 - BetaWiki
2024年4月27日 · MS-DOS 2 is a family of versions of MS-DOS, initially released in March 1983. MS-DOS 2.00 was released in March 1983 and introduced support for subdirectories and hard drives (with capacity up 10 MB). New commands (both internal and external) were included as well, such as PRINT. MS-DOS 2.01 was released in November 1983.
GitHub - jacklin9/Dos-2.11-Src: just the MS-DOS 2.11 sources, I …
About just the MS-DOS 2.11 sources, I re-aranged stuff and made it (slightly) easier to rebuild on Windows.