How long is the game? :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General Discussions
2017年9月21日 · It's the complete game. There is 4 areas to explore with somehow similar size some being more wild and adventure oriented some others a bit more heavy on dialogs and puzzles. If you go quickly you can skip a lot of things and finish the game much quicklier than most. If you don't you can spend 80 hours in average on a first playthrough.
I'm playing DOS:2/series for the first time, which mode should
2020年1月2日 · I never played a divinity game before but I have played other rpgs like Baldurs gate 1 and 2, planescape torment and pillars of eternity. I read some build guides when I planned my character and party members and although it was confusing at first since I didn't know anything about the combat system its all making much more sense now.
A huge DOS2 guide I typed up for new players. : r ... - Reddit
This guide, while amazing and very well put together, kinda makes DOS2 seem like a really shitty game with an "exploit the AI and poor RPG design or get stomped" ultimatum. I'm about 6 hours in and this is a real bummer.
Can someone explain Game Master mode to me? - Reddit
2018年8月29日 · A better way to do that would be to just create a mod for the main game (not a seperate GM campaign) that changes some game elements and send that to the person who wants to play it. In the game master mode both the player(s) and the creator join a session together to allow for unique possibilities that would not be possible without a human ...
What are some good early game weapons and amour? I can get
2022年10月31日 · It's the best set of gloves for any finesse build THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAME (and become even better if you get the fletcher to upgrade them between acts 3 and 4) because the alternative is some low + crit chance gloves without a slot. For rings and amulets, focus on + skill that help your build (example: +1 geo for a pyro/geo mage).
Wow, how long is this game? : r/DivinityOriginalSin - Reddit
Also a shameless guide user. If something takes me longer than five minutes to figure out (puzzle wise or location or something) I wiki it. The game is long enough as it is I want to spend my time admiring the scenery and lore. This goes for any game really, and …
DOS2 is (so far) probably the best game I‘ve ever played.
2021年3月15日 · Still, I've played through the game multiple times, solo and with friends. Like you said, the areas have a certain charm. It's simply fun to explore. If you're looking for a game that has really great writing and very good roleplaying, meaningful choices with reactivity and amazing companions, I'd recommend you to check out Planescape: Torment.
Keeps crashing? :: Divinity: Original Sin 2 General Discussions
2017年1月31日 · Massive fan of Divinty Original Sin... I put off buying number 2 until now, give them some time to iron out bugs etc... I know it's still early access and I accept that. I've been playing less then 20 minutes and the game has crashed twice on me, is this going to be a regular occurance? Also, when I try to send a bug report to the devs, that doesn't work and says connection to Larian Studios ...
Is it worth playing Divinity: Original Sin 2 in 2023? : r ... - Reddit
Dos2 is so good and is really where they started this philosophy of handcrafting interesting combat scenarios. I’m still sad they didn’t continue making Dos2: fallen heroes. A tactics game in the same engine but taking out the exploration part and having just combat sounded amazing to me. Like xcom and divinity paired together.
DOS2 is hard : r/DivinityOriginalSin - Reddit
I would play on classic to learn the game, there are plenty of encounters where you can be instakilled. The name of the game is crowd control, and the turn order is round robin. You want a character with high wits so you get turns 1 and 3 instead of 2 and 4. There are no saving throws in DOS2 so once your armor is gone you’re a sitting duck.