eCFR :: 49 CFR 178.61 -- Specification 4BW welded steel cylinders …
§ 178.61 Specification 4BW welded steel cylinders with electric-arc welded seam. (a) Type, size, pressure, and application. A DOT 4BW cylinder has a spherical or cylindrical design, a water capacity of 1,000 pounds or less, and a service pressure range of 225 to 500 psig. Closures made by the spinning process are not authorized.
DOT4BW Cylinders – Propellants - NASA
2024年7月19日 · DOT4BW refers to the Department of Transportation design specification under which these containers fall. They are all similar to a propane tank.
49 CFR 178.35 -- General requirements for specification cylinders.
DOT-specification 4B, 4BA, 4BW, and 4E cylinders used in liquefied compressed gas service manufactured after December 28, 2022, must be marked with the tare weight or mass weight. Additionally, the cylinder must be permanently marked with the water capacity.
美国气瓶DOT规范及气瓶标记解析 - 51qiti.com
2014年3月6日 · dot规范规定每只气瓶都要标记一些信息,以钢印的形式打在瓶肩上,这和中国对气瓶的标记基本相同。但在dot规范中只规定了哪些信息必须以钢印形式打在瓶肩上,而不是关于这个气瓶的所有信息都打上去。所以,每个气瓶的制造厂商生产的气瓶,上面打的钢印 ...
178.61 | PHMSA - phmsa.dot.gov
Section §178.61: Specification 4BW welded steel cylinders with electric-arc welded longitudinal seam
49 CFR Part 178 Subpart C -- Specifications for Cylinders
DOT-specification 4B, 4BA, 4BW, and 4E cylinders used in liquefied compressed gas service manufactured after December 28, 2022, must be marked with the tare weight or mass weight. Additionally, the cylinder must be permanently marked with the water capacity.
standard specification dot-4ba240 dot-4ba240 dot-4ba240 dot-4ba240 dot-4ba240 dot-4ba240 dot-4bw260 dot-4bw240 MODEL/SIZE (LBS) 4.25 11 20 30 40 43.5 60* 100* HEIGHT (MM) 300 427 450 602 744 825.5 1,120 1,219
dot一4bw钢瓶环焊缝必须采用电弧熔焊,焊接接头允许采用对接或搭接形式,如采用搭 接必须保证最小搭接长度不小于4倍的母材公称厚度。 焊接工艺评定及焊工考试按EGAC一3的规定进行。
HSE APPROVED SPECIFICATION Specification DOT-4BW(HSE) Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded longitudinal seam. ISSUE 1 December 1995. i\:THSDA5\HARRY\CYL\4BWSPEC4 Contents 1.
§178.61 Specification 4BW welded steel cylinders with electric-arc welded longitudinal seam. (a) Type, size and service pressure. A DOT 4BW cylinder is a welded type steel cylinder with a longitudinal elec-tric-arc welded seam, a water capacity (nominal) not over 1,000 pounds and a service pressure at least 225 and not over 500 psig gauge.