Download .NET 9.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
5 天之前 · .NET 9.0 downloads for Linux, macOS, and Windows. . NET is a free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform for building many different types of applications.
Nine dots puzzle - Wikipedia
The nine dots puzzle is a mathematical puzzle whose task is to connect nine squarely arranged points with a pen by four (or fewer) straight lines without lifting the pen or retracing any lines. The puzzle has appeared under various other names over the years.
What's new in .NET 9 | Microsoft Learn
2024年11月12日 · .NET 9, the successor to .NET 8, has a special focus on cloud-native apps and performance. It will be supported for 18 months as a standard-term support (STS) release. You can download .NET 9 here. New for .NET 9, the engineering team posts .NET 9 preview updates on GitHub Discussions.
Dot9 Games
At Dot9 Games we create online game communities, bringing people into a space that is explored by all liked minded passionate gamers. We enhance gaming experiences with our new mobile games, weaving together storylines, virtual worlds, and avatars by transporting players into creative gaming realms.
Announcing .NET 9 - .NET Blog - devblogs.microsoft.com
2024年11月12日 · With .NET 9, your Windows apps will have access to the latest OS features and capabilities while ensuring they are more performant and accessible than ever before. Whether you are starting a new modern app with WinUI 3 and the Windows App SDK or modernizing your existing WPF and WinForms applications, your Windows apps run …
Transporting Class 9 Hazmat | What Is Class 9 Hazmat - Hazmat …
2023年8月30日 · The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) requires hazmat workers transporting hazardous substances or waste, including those in class 9, to label and sort them correctly. You can find the hazmat classifications under Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR).
Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog
2024年9月12日 · Now in .NET 9, thanks to dotnet/runtime#95234 which improves the JIT’s ability to reason about the relationship between two ranges and whether one is implied by the other, we get this instead:
.NET 9正式发布 - 码坊
2024年11月13日 · .NET 9是.NET至今性能最强的版本,运行时、工作负载以及语言层面共有超过1000项与性能相关的变更,其采用的更高效算法能够生成更优质的代码。 斯蒂芬·图布(Stephen Toub)对.NET 9性能改进内容 进行了深入剖析,那是一篇必读文章,不过在此我们还是先来讨论一下该版本中的部分亮点。 服务器垃圾回收(Server GC)机制进行了重大调整,它将依据应用的内存需求进行自适应调节,而不再取决于环境(机器、虚拟机或容器)中可用的资源(内存 …
What's new in .NET libraries for .NET 9 | Microsoft Learn
2024年11月11日 · This article describes new features in the .NET libraries for .NET 9. Base64Url. Base64 is an encoding scheme that translates arbitrary bytes into text composed of a specific set of 64 characters.
.NET docs: What's new for .NET 9 - .NET | Microsoft Learn
2025年1月15日 · Demonstrate how to simplify, automate, and transform business tasks and processes using Microsoft Power Platform Developer. What's new in the .NET docs for .NET 9.