dotfiles · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2025年3月12日 · Legend goes, that dotfiles were invented when ls used to skip files and directories starting with a . (dot). As a result, files that begin with such a character were not shown when listing using ls — i.e. it was a "hidden" file.
webpro/awesome-dotfiles: A curated list of dotfiles resources.
dotbare - Manage dotfiles interactively with fzf. dotbot - Tool that bootstraps your dotfiles. dotdrop - Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere. Fisher - A package manager for Fish. fresh - Keep your dotfiles fresh. Fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files.
GitHub - thoughtbot/dotfiles: A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux ...
Exclude the README.md, README-ES.md and LICENSE files, which are part of the dotfiles repository but do not need to be symlinked in. Give precedence to personal overrides which by default are placed in ~/dotfiles-local
GitHub - mathiasbynens/dotfiles: :wrench: .files, including …
Matijs Brinkhuis and his dotfiles repository; Nicolas Gallagher and his dotfiles repository; Sindre Sorhus; Tom Ryder and his dotfiles repository; Kevin Suttle and his dotfiles repository and macOS-Defaults project, which aims to provide better documentation for ~/.macos; Haralan Dobrev; Anyone who contributed a patch or made a helpful suggestion
GitHub - renemarc/dotfiles: ~/. Cross-platform, cross-shell ...
Cross-platform, cross-shell dotfiles powered by chezmoi 🏠 Universal command set and colourful shell configurations for Bash, Zsh and Powershell, compatible with macOS, Windows and (partially) Linux, all managed easily using chezmoi .
driesvints/dotfiles: Get started with your own dotfiles. - GitHub
It takes the effort out of installing everything manually. Everything needed to install my preferred setup of macOS is detailed in this readme. Feel free to explore, learn and copy parts for your own dotfiles. Enjoy! 📖 - Read the blog post 📺 - Watch the screencast on Laracasts 💡 - Learn how to build your own dotfiles
dwmkerr/dotfiles: My personal setup. Vim, Tmux, Shells, etc.
DOTFILES_PRIVATE_PROFILE= " dwmkerr " # Use whatever name makes sense for you! # Define the name of the AWS S3 bucket that stores private files. # Default is "dwmkerr-dotfiles-private". DOTFILES_PRIVATE_S3_BUCKET= " dwmkerr-dotfiles-private " # Run AWS configure to create the named profile - you will be asked to provide # an access key and
Dotfiles in Linux Explained - LinuxOPsys
2022年6月10日 · Dotfiles contain the application-specific configurations. Usually, these files are stored in the user's home directory. We can use dotfiles to customize generic software programs such as bash shell, vim editor, zsh shell, and git. It is very important to version control your dotfiles and host them in a remote host like Github.
GitHub - paulmillr/dotfiles: Colourful & robust configuration files …
Colourful & robust configuration files and utilities for Mac, Linux & BSD - paulmillr/dotfiles
GitHub - gh0stzk/dotfiles: BSPWM environment with 18 themes.
2015年10月14日 · Welcome to my dotfiles. I’m gh0stzk from Mexico. These dotfiles are designed with the goal of providing a bspwm environment that is lightweight, efficient, and functional, tailored for any use—whether it’s gaming, web browsing, or a productive work setting.