email - Postfix + dovecot: Cannot receive e-mails from some …
2020年12月28日 · I have set up a mail server using postfix and dovecot: mail.milovanovic.nl. It works well enough (sending and receiving), except for the fact that I cannot receive mail from certain services, like Reddit and Firefox (confirmation mail to obtain a Firefox account). It is receiving mail from most services so far without problems.
dovecot - How to get UIDNEXT in python procmail pipe script?
2014年12月1日 · Dovecot maintains the mapping between UID and filename in the file dovecot-uidlist. The file contains first a header line and then one line per message. The header line looks like this: 1 1173189136 20221 The first digit is the version, the second the IMAP UIDVALIDITY, and the last is the next UID that will be used.
mail server - Dovecot: userdb lookup: connect …
2018年6月3日 · Dovecot is not locating messages in maildir, how to interpret debug log? 1 Setting up postfix and dovecot ...
POSTFIX/DOVECOT smtp timeout connecting to linux server
2023年11月21日 · I'm trying to set up a VPS server and having problems with email. I cannot seem to get the SMTP to work on the website. I'm using and tried ports 25, 465 and 587. However, they all time o...
Linux postfix/dovecot 554 Relay access denied - Stack Overflow
2015年4月23日 · permission related issues dovecot postfix Hot Network Questions What is the source of the common claim that 3.0 material which has not been updated or replaced is still legally valid for use in 3.5 games?
linux - dovecot: doveconf: Fatal: …
2016年12月22日 · Настраиваю виртуальный почтовый сервер на postfix+dovecot c SASL, TLS. Приём писем не работает, папки в vmail с доменом и именем не создаются, и при попытке подключить pop3-сервер к морде gmail в
nodejs - Nodemailer - Error: Invalid greeting. response=* OK ...
2020年12月3日 · Servidor y puertos IMAP Servidor IMAP entrante: imap.secureserver.net Puerto SSL: 993 Puerto: 143 Servidor y puertos POP3 Servidor entrante (POP3): pop.secureserver.net Puerto SSL: 995 Puerto: 110 Servidor y puertos salientes Servidor saliente (SMTP): smtpout.secureserver.net Puerto SSL: 465 o 587 Puertos: 80, 3535 o 25
Sqirrelmail, Postfix and Dovecot - Stack Overflow
2015年6月21日 · I have installed Sqirrelmail, Postfix and Dovecot. Sqirrelmail does not relay any errors. There is no incoming or sending of mail. Where "user1" is the user logged into Sqirrelmail. Can anyone se...
dovecot - How to replace a character by another in a variable
2017年8月22日 · Another approach to complex mail filtering you can do with Dovecot (if you do need loops and have full access to the mail server) is their Dovecot-specific extensions like vnd.dovecot.pipe which allows the mail administrator to define full programs (written in whatever language one wishes) to process mail on its way through.
oauth - Set up dovecot with keycloak - Stack Overflow
2023年10月11日 · I would like to set up dovecot + roundcube with keycloak OPENID. To start I tried to configure only dovecot + keycloak and access it with thunderbird. My config file is: For the docker compose: ver...