BINUH: UN Police Anti-Gang Adviser (P4), Seconded (contracted)
Post title and level: UN Police Anti-Gang Adviser (P4), Seconded (contracted) Organizational Unit: United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) Duty Station: Port-au-Prince Reporting to:...
‘Generations of Haitians’ at risk, warns Guterres, calling for ...
2023年7月1日 · In Port-au-Prince on Saturday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed solidarity with the Haitian people “facing a terrible and mutually reinforcing cycle of… crises”, and urged deployment...
叠氮磷酸二苯酯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
叠氮磷酸二苯酯,简称 DPPA (Diphenylphosphoryl azide),是一种 有机合成 试剂。 无色无爆炸性油状液体。 沸点134-136°C;溶于有机 溶剂,不溶于水;遇光和接触湿气发生颜色变化和分解。 化学性质活泼,作为 叠氮化钠 的替代物,广泛应用于有机合成当中。
Students go back to Haitian school three years after gang attack
Students have returned to the Lycée National de La Saline after it was closed due to gang violence.
和平与发展顾问 | 政治和建设和平事务部
Since its inception in 2004, the Programme has engaged in more than 60 countries and provided catalytic support to UN Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams to advance the UN...
Reports and Policy Documents | 政治和建设和平事务部
On security matters, she noted the targeting of commercial aircraft near the Port-au-Prince international airport by armed gangs, as well as subsequent coordinated gang attacks across the capital.
Peace and Development Advisors - Joint UNDP-DPPA …
Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs) are at the forefront of the Programme’s efforts to empower national stakeholders to strengthen existing mechanisms and capacities for inclusive...
越南新能源: 直购售电DPPA的启程 (二) - 国复咨询 - 国际工程与海 …
根据工贸部MOIT提交总理的DPPA 草案,DPPA Program拟用时两年从越南全境选择400MW-1000MW风电和光伏项目作为试点实施。 有意参加试点的新能源项目开发商和企业级电力大用户必须通过申请流程并满足一定的要求:
越南政府正式批准DPPA直购电模式,含光伏、风能、小水电、生 …
2024年7月5日 · 本周,越南政府正式批准一项法令,允许屋顶光伏、垃圾发电和生质电力项目参与直接购电协议 (DPPA),无需通过越南电力公司 (EVN)。 该法令于7月3日发布,阐明了可再生能源生产商和大型电力用户之间直接电力交易的机制。 该举措旨在提高越南能源行业的灵活性和竞争力。 越南政府允许通过两种方式直接销售电力:私有电网和国家电网。 对于私有电网(不通过越南电力公司EVN),可再生能源生产商(包含光伏、风能、小水电、生物质能、地热能、海浪能 …
For second year in a row, Denver homicides and shootings on …
Gang violence in Denver also surged in 2020 as established groups waged internal battles and newer, more fluid organizations grew. The hopelessness and lack of opportunity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic also likely pushed more people …
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