ERS Data Product Quality Reviews | Economic Research Service - USDA …
2025年1月17日 · Food Price Outlook provides ERS food price forecasts for the short-term period. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food is probably the most widely used indicator of changes in retail food prices. Rice Yearbook offers data on U.S. rice production, supply, disappearance, trade, and prices. Includes State acreage, yield, and production data; U.S ...
Enrichment of rice endosperm with anthocyanins by endosperm …
Endosperm-specific expression of OsDFR-OsRb-OsC1 (DRC) or OsDFR-OsPAC1-OsRb-OsC1 (DPRC) resulted in transgenic rice germplasm with dark purple grains. The expression of endogenous anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes was significantly upregulated in the transgenic lines.
缺陷产品召回技术中心 - 国家市场监督管理总局
缺陷产品召回技术中心是市场监管总局直属正司级事业单位,主要承担缺陷产品和食品等召回制度研究、信息监测、技术调查和应用服务等工作。 简介:缺陷产品召回技术中心是市场监管总局直属正司级事业单位,主要承担缺陷产品和食品等召回制度研究、信息监测、技术调查和应用服务等工作。 网站:https://www.samrdprc.org.cn联系电话:010-59799616传真:010-82961389微信公众 …
中国大陆为什么把「DPRK」和 「Republic of Korea」翻译成「朝 …
「DPRK」的英文全称为「Democratic People's Republic of Korea」。 这是因为中国大陆同时承认了朝鲜、韩国两个国家,并分别建立了外交关系,所以按照这两个国家的实际名称进行称呼。 ”韩国“这个词来自于1897年李氏朝鲜之后,高宗在俄国扶持下成立的”大韩帝国“,国号为“韩”。 之后“韩国”之词分别作为“大韩帝国”、“大韩民国”的简称一直沿用下去。 而后来朝鲜半岛的南北分裂,北方政权由于代表着”进步与革命“,与曾经腐朽的“韩国”称呼格格不入,于是将国名更改为曾经 …
Danish Pig Research Centre - pig production in Denamark
Danish Pig Research Centre provides two standards: DANISH Transport Standard and DANISH Product Standard. On top of this we also have the Global Red Meat Standard. In this section, you will find concise, practical knowledge on a wide range of topics available for download. Looking for our research results in English?
DPRC Food Drive... - Democratic Party of Racine County - Facebook
2023年6月1日 · DPRC Food Drive Update! Racine County Dems collected 157 lbs. of food for the Racine County Food Bank. Great job! Remember, their need exists year...
DPRC - Vintage Military Rifle
Highly Recommended Equipment: It is desirable but not mandatory that each shooter consider Long sleeve shirt and long pants, hat, sunscreen, shooting mat or carpet (about 3′ x 6′), ammo for practice, food and drink. You can fire one, two or three matches for $25. Soft drinks and Snacks are available for purchase in the clubhouse.
DPRC - High Power Rifle
Highly Recommended Equipment: It is desirable but not mandatory that each shooter consider Long sleeve shirt and long pants, hat, sunscreen, shooting mat or carpet (about 3′ x 6′), ammo for practice, food and drink. Entry Fees. $25.00 for club and non-club members. $20.00 for juniors. Directions to club and amenities
DPRC Food Heaven - DPRC Food Heaven - Facebook
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