DPVR E3 PC Tethered Virtual Reality Headset Range
The DPVR E3 is a powerful virtual reality headset that can be tethered to a PC for gaming, entertainment and adapted for use in corporate or enterprise situations for groups of people to use with 3 or 6 DOF or NOLO.
DPVR E3C (Out Of Stock) - E3 Series, PCVR Headset - DPVR
The DPVR E3 is a powerful virtual reality headset that can be tethered to a PC. Perfect for gaming, entertainment and able to be adapted for use in corporate or enterprise situations for groups of people.
DPVR E3 4K完整配置参数 - VR52网
dpvr e3 4k 的价格是多少钱? 单单 dpvr e3 4k 头显的价格为 399 美元。 dpvr e3 4k 的分辨率是多少? dpvr e3 4k 单眼分辨率为 1920x2160,单眼约 415 万像素,双眼约 830 万像素。 dpvr e3 4k 的视场角是多少? dpvr e3 4k 的水平视野尚不清楚。dpvr e3 4k 的垂直视野尚不清楚。
DPVR EC3 Review- Smartechr
The DPVR E3-C is a tethered virtual reality headset for PC manufactured by the Chinese company DPVR. This VR headset is also known as the Deepoon E3-C by users. You have a one-of-a-kind VR Headset with the DPVR E3C (Hard Strap).
Amazon.com: DPVR E3C Virtual Reality Headset, VR Set for …
Super Performance: DPVR E3 C virtual reality headset with 360° view, 110° FOV, 70Hz refresh rate, 16ms low latency, 2560 x 1440 resolution. Fast-Switch LCD, powered by 2.5K resolution high precision display.
DPVR E3 4K Gaming Combo with E3 4K VR Gaming Headset and …
2022年1月4日 · Make your gaming and entertainment experiences more immersive with the E3 4K Gaming Combo, featuring the E3 4K VR Gaming Headset and NOLO Controller. This powerful, PC-tethered virtual reality headset is designed to elevate your gaming, entertainment, and even corporate or enterprise applications.
大朋E3定位套装测评:VR头显性价比之王(全文)_液晶显示器虚 …
2018年1月24日 · 大朋(DPVR)E3定位套装需要搭配大朋VR助手一起使用,助手内置了VR游戏、影视剧点播、全景电影、3D影片等资源。 不用担心游戏不够玩,如果你想体验更丰富的VR游戏,则需要下载SteamVR,借助大朋助手,大朋E3基本适配所有主流SteamVR游戏。 我们体验了多个VR游戏,每个游戏的画面都非常清晰生动,游戏沉浸感非常强,尤其是使用者的头部在高速转动时,画面没有延迟、余晖、拖影等现象产生,可以说在同类产品中是相当惊艳了。 大朋E3的 …
DPVR E3 4K(Out of Stock) – E3 Series, PCVR headset
The DPVR E3 is a powerful virtual reality headset that can be tethered to a PC. Perfect for gaming, entertainment and able to be adapted for use in corporate or enterprise situations for groups of people.
大朋 DPVR一体机P1 Pro,E3 4K版,E3 C版选购分析 - 知乎
大朋 DPVR 全景声3D巨幕影院 VR一体机. 重量:400g; 处理器:Adreno630( 高通骁龙845 ) 内存和闪存:2GB/16GB,最大拓展容量128GB; 分辨率:Fast-LCD 高清屏,2.5k分辨率, 视场角 :96度; wifi:2.4/5G;蓝牙4.0;USB3.0; 陀螺仪:9轴; 电池:4000毫安; 系统:安卓7.1; 手柄:支 …
DPVR E3-C Specs, Reviews & Prices - VRlitic
The DPVR E3-C is the most affordable and versatile VR headset on the market. With a 110° field of view, 2560 × 1440 px resolution, 70 Hz refresh rate, and compatibility with both Mac OS and Microsoft Windows operating systems, you'll never have …