DR250 - Under-powered? - Motorcycle Forum
2004年4月27日 · i have a 1990 dr250s and i can cruise at about 85mph my top is about 98mph. the dr250s is fster than the dr250 because the dr250 was meant for a dirtbike and the dr250s as an enduro. so there is a sprocket size difference. the dr250 is alot bigger, the bigger the sprocket the better the take off but the lower the top speed. my revs dont die off all the way all the time either, they drop to ...
Suzuki DR250 question.. noob - Motorcycle Forum
2005年5月26日 · i am about to purchase a suzuki dr (either 250 or 350) i will be using the bike for commute to and from work along with occassional off road fun.. are both of these bikes "street legal" im new to the whole dual sport genre so forgive my noobie questions ive seen a few bikes for sale,, some are dr250 or dr350 and others say dr250S or dr350S
Help With New 1990 Dr 250 - Motorcycle Forum
2006年10月29日 · First off thanks for the forum. Just found it. I just purchased a 1990 DR250. I am waiting for the service manual from my dealer. I changed the oil and filter. Drained the oil from the engine block, and the plug in the frame tube. The dealer told me it takes 2 …
Wanna beef up my '92 DR250 - Motorcycle Forum
2004年2月22日 · Let me know if you run into some deals on spare parts I might be interested. I just picked up a OEM skid plate on Ebay for $19 including shipping. One of my favorite searches on Ebay is Suzuki DR, typically there is about 4 pages of stuff. I really need to find out what parts are interchangable from year to year and model.
Question for someone smart. (DR250) | Motorcycle Forum
2004年4月23日 · 84 TS 185 - will kick any 250 Save Share Reply Quote Like
What am I looking at? Suzuki DR250 | Motorcycle Forum
2017年10月17日 · Dirt Bikes & ATV's ... What am I looking at? Suzuki DR250
DR250 - No Battery? | Motorcycle Forum
2004年4月27日 · Hi folks. I've just bought a used DR250S which has been imported in to the UK from Japan. I've got the Clymer manual and as far as I can tell, this bike is supposed to have a battery - but it hasn't!
1985 Suzuki DR250 carb parts when rebuilding. | Motorcycle Forum
2018年5月5日 · hi go to cycle p-arts nation.com best price on parts just take your time tks for asking
Carb help | Motorcycle Forum
2006年12月20日 · Advanced Search Cancel ...
Suzuki DR250R ride height adjustment | Motorcycle Forum
2009年1月4日 · Help Me please!?!?:???: I have just bought my first bike, a Suzuki DR250R, Year 2000 model. The guy i bought it from tells me that the seat height can be adjusted via the screw on the pressure cylinder on the LHS of the bike, next to the fuel tap.