Dr. York Liao (BS '67) - Board of Trustees
Liao received a BS in physics from Caltech in 1967, followed by an MS and a PhD in applied physics from Harvard. He returned to Hong Kong in 1974 and taught in the electronics department at the Chinese University for 10 years.
York Liao - Wikipedia
York Liao, MBE, SBS, JP (born ca. 1948) is a Chinese-born Hong Kong government official and businessman, who is or has been: a managing director of Winbridge Company Limited, a private investment and consultancy company; an Independent Non-Executive Director of Hang Lung Group Ltd (since October 2003)
York Liao (born 1948), Chinese Businessman, government official
York Liao, Administration Member of the Order of the British Empire, Business School, Justice of the Peace is a Chinese-born Hong Kong government official and businessman, who is or has been:.
York Liao Elected to Caltech Board - www.caltech.edu
1998年2月18日 · PASADENA—The California Institute of Technology is pleased to announce the election of Caltech alumnus Dr. York Liao to its Board of Trustees. Liao is one of the cofounders of Varitronix Ltd. of Hong Kong, one of the very first LCD manufacturers in the world and the first such Hong Kong-based venture.
廖约克 :: 十如论坛
廖约克博士在中国内地出生,1963年在香港培正中学完成高中教育后,远笈美国加州理工学院修读物理学学士课程,1967年毕业,翌年获哈佛大学颁授应用物理硕士学位,并于1973年取得该校哲学博士学位。 1974年,廖博士回港并于香港中文大学电子学系任职讲师。 1978年,廖博士与其他同事和学生一起创办精电有限公司,该公司为世界上最先从事液晶显示器之厂商之一。 1984年,廖博士辞去教席并全职担任精电有限公司的行政总裁,负责策略性筹划与新业务发展。 该公司 …
York Liao (born January 20, 1946), Chinese electronics executive ...
York Liao, Chinese electronics executive. Council member Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, since 1993, member University grants committee, since 1994; member Industrial Technology & Development Council, Hong Kong, since 1993.
Esquel Group
Headquartered in Hong Kong and based in China, we focus on business in Asia and the rest of the world. We believe in promoting sustainable growth through solutions provided through our accumulated knowledge in operating a vertically integrated supply chain, people-centric development, and design and merchandising.
York Liao - Integral Conversation
After working for the United Nations for one year, Dr. Liao returned to Hong Kong in 1974 and started teaching at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a lecturer in the Electronics Department.
约个牙医平台简介_口腔_Dryork_线下 - 搜狐
2022年4月1日 · Dryork 约个牙医是一款由北京约克医众科技有限公司发布的 一站式牙齿健康管理服务平台。 集合公立三甲医院口腔专家,采用公立医院收费标准,提供私人医生服务品质。
York Liao - ipfs.io
York Liao, MBE, SBS, JP (born ca. 1948) is a Chinese-born Hong Kong government official and businessman, who is or has been: a Managing Director of Winbridge Company Limited, a private investment and consultancy company; an Independent Non-Executive Director of Hang Lung Group Ltd (since October 2003)