Dracopelta - Wikipedia
Dracopelta (meaning “dragon shield”) is a monospecific genus of ankylosaur dinosaur from Portugal that lived during the Late Jurassic (uppermost lower Tithonian-upper Tithonian, 152.1-145.0 Ma) in what is now the Lourinhã Formation.
龍冑龍屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
龍冑龍屬(學名:Dracopelta)是甲龍亞目的一屬 恐龍,生存於侏羅紀晚期的葡萄牙 [1] 。 當 彼得·加爾東 (Peter Galton)在1980年敘述這些化石時,他將化石發現處Ribamar歸類於 侏羅紀 晚期的 啟莫里階 。
龙胄龙 - 百度百科
龙胄龙(学名Dracopelta)是甲龙下目的一属恐龙,生存于晚侏罗纪的葡萄牙。 当彼得·加尔冬(Peter Galton)在1980年叙述这些化石时,他将化石发现处Ribamar归类于晚侏罗纪的启莫里阶。
Dracopelta Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database
A compilation of the best Dracopelta illustrations, facts, fossils, and maps. See how it lived in Europe during the Jurassic/Cretaceous period.
Dracopelta - Prehistoric Wildlife
2012年9月7日 · While palaeontologists are certain that Dracopelta was an ankylosaur, no one knows for certain if the genus was a nodosaurid or an actual ankylosaurid (an actual member of the Ankylosauridae). Nodosaurid is perhaps the most likely answer given that we know that out of these two groups nodosaurids appeared first ...
Russo, 2021. History of the discovery of the ankylosaur Dracopelta ...
2021年12月10日 · Dracopelta zbyszewskii is a poorly known ankylosaur dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. Even its early history has hitherto remained problematic, mostly due to scarce recorded...
Dracopelta | Dinopedia | Fandom
Dracopelta zbyszewskii (meaning "dragon shield") was a genus of ankylosaurid found from the Late Jurassic of Europe. It was a primitive ankylosaur with 5 different types of scute. Its lack of speed and and intelligence meant that it relied heavily on its armor for survival.
Dracopelta - Fossil Wiki | Fandom
Dracopelta (meaning “dragon shield”) is a monospecific genus of ankylosaur dinosaur from Portugal that lived during the Late Jurassic (uppermost lower Tithonian-upper Tithonian, 152.1-145.0 Ma) in what is now the Lourinhã Formation. The type and only species is Dracopelta zbyszewskii, which is...
Dracopelta: Overview, Size, Habitat, & Other Facts
2025年2月1日 · Dracopelta is an intriguing dinosaur that offers a glimpse into the diverse prehistoric world. This herbivorous ankylosaur lived during the Late Jurassic period in what is now Portugal. Dracopelta was notable for its unique armor and a fascinating size, reaching about 1.5 meters in length.
Dracopelta - mindat.org
2023年11月18日 · Dracopelta (from Latin draco, dragon and Greek πέλτη, peltē, "small shield") was an ankylosaurian dinosaur from Portugal, described by Peter Galton in 1980. When Galton described the only known specimen, he referred it to the Kimmeridgian age (Late Jurassic) of the locality of Ribamar.