Drag queen - Wikipedia
A drag queen is a person, usually male, who uses drag clothing and makeup to imitate and often exaggerate female gender signifiers and gender roles for entertainment purposes. Historically, drag queens have usually been gay men, and have been a part of gay culture. People do drag for reasons ranging from self-expression to mainstream performance.
Drag queen | Art, History & Culture | Britannica
2025年2月8日 · Drag queen, a man who dresses in women’s clothes and performs before an audience. Drag shows (typically staged in nightclubs and Gay Pride festivals) are largely a subcultural phenomenon. Though drag has never enjoyed mainstream appeal, drag queen is a common enough term in popular culture, partly
Dreg kraljica — Википедија
Dreg kraljica (engl. drag queen) je izraz za najčešće muškarca koji oblači žensku odeću i imitira žene radi zabave šire publike. [1] Međutim, preciznije rečeno, ove osobe nastupaju u posebnoj, dreg odeći, koja jednostavno ima tradicionalno ženske karakteristike, ali kakvu žene u …
Kevin Aviance - Wikipedia
Kevin Aviance (born Eric Snead on June 22, 1968) is an American drag queen, club/dance musician, fashion designer, and nightclub personality. [1] [2] He is a personality in New York City's gay scene and has performed throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
Drag queen – Wikipedija/Википедија
Drag queensice (eng: Drag Queens, čita se /dræg kwi:ns/) nastupaju u „drag“ odeći, koja ima tradicionalne ženske karakteristike (ne može se reći da oblače žensku odeću, jer žene ne nose takvu odeću.
Drag queen - Wikimedia Commons
2024年7月30日 · drag artist who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes
drag queen - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
1 天前 · drag queen (person, usually male, who dresses up in women's clothing and makeup, typically in an exaggerated fashion and for public performance) Coordinate term: drag king; Further reading [edit] drag queen in Polish dictionaries at PWN; Portuguese [edit] Portuguese Wikipedia has an article on: drag queen. Wikipedia pt. Alternative forms
дрэг-квин - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
drag queen (person, usually male, who dresses up in women's clothing and makeup, typically in an exaggerated fashion and for public performance) Synonym: дрэг-короле́ва ( drɛg-koroléva )
Drag kraljica – Wikipedija
Drag show ili drag nastup je zabavni program koji se sastoji od niza pjesama, monologa ili skečeva u kojima nastupaju pojedinačni izvođači ili grupe izvođača s namjerom da zabave publike. Drag showovi se kreću od amaterskih predstava u …
Lady Slim — Wikipédia
Seïmour Babaïev, nom de scène de Lady Slim, est la première artiste drag queen (drag kvin) d' Azerbaïdjan 1, 2. Seïmour Babaïev est né le 1er avril 1987 à Bakou. Après avoir terminé ses études secondaires en 2004, il entre à la faculté d'histoire de l' université d'État de Bakou 3.