Dragash - Wikipedia
Dragash or Sharr (Albanian definite form: Dragashi or Sharri; Serbian Cyrillic: Драгаш) is a town and municipality located in the Prizren District of Kosovo. According to the 2011 census, the …
Komuna Dragash
Sistemi Informativ për Menaxhimin e Burimeve Njerëzore (SIMBNJ) / Konkurset. Organi Shqyrtues i Prokurimit. Publications
Komuna Dragash
Përurohet parku dhe këndi i lojërave për fëmijët e komuniteteve në Dragash
Visit Dragash
What makes Dragash/Dragaš’s essential wealth unique is its fusion of cultural heritage into an ongoing narrative. It depicts rural mountain cultures and the ways of life that have responded …
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Dragash - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dragash is a municipality in the Prizren district of Kosovo. Dragash has approximately 41,000 inhabitants, the majority are the Gorani , a slavic language speaking Muslim group. The area …
Visit Kosovo - Qytetet - Dragash
Dragash lies in the southernmost point of the country, in the north it borders Prizren, in the east and southeast with FYROM and in the west and southwest with the Republic of Albania. …
About Dragash | Visit Dragash
Dragash/Dragaš is most southern municipality of Kosovo, bordering with neighbouring countries, such as North Macedonia to the east and south, and Albania to the west. In the north, …
O Dragašu | Visit Dragash
Osnovna prednost Dragaša je da prepliće svoje nasleđe kulturnih tradicija i prirodnih karakteristika. Opisuje ruralne planinske kulture i načine života koji su odgovarali i razvijali se …
Dragash/Dragaš is mainly mountain-ous but with distinct natural features in three areas. The Opoja valley in the northern area has a heart of flat agri-cultural land surrounded by mountains …