DRASH® Shelters | HDT Global
DRASH shelters are available in models ranging in size from 109 to 1,250 ft2. Available in the C, S, XB, M, J, and Specialty model series, all of HDT’s DRASH shelters are fully customizable and inter-connectable to increase or decrease an overall structure’s footprint.
DRASH® S Series Shelter - HDT Global
DRASH S Series deployable army tents and military shelters are light-weight, man-portable shelter solutions that can be applied as stand alone shelters or connectable to other shelters to form command and control, life support, medical or …
Drash - Wikipedia
Drash may refer to: Midrash, in Judaism, a method of exegesis of a biblical text; DRASH, or Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter, a brand of portable shelter; Allan L. Drash (1931–2009), a pediatric endocrinologist from the United States; Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash (1983), a …
DRASH / DHS Systems International | Military Systems and …
DRASH is a quick set-up/strike soft walled shelter specifically designed for mobility and rapid deployment. DRASH Shelters come in a variety of makes and models, fulfilling the diverse needs of its customers. DHS also offers Utility Support Trailers (UST), DRASH Accessories and other technology for use in conjunction with the DRASH Shelter Systems.
Drash - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Drash was a human female leader of a street gang within the Worker's District of the city Mos Espa on Tatooine. She and her gang joined the Fett gotra and took part in the Battle of Mos Espa which saw the Pyke Syndicate driven off Tatooine.
DRASH - The Warfighter's Choice - YouTube
Nov 13, 2009 · Introductory video for the Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH). DRASH is a quickly deployable shelter system that integrates shelter, mobility, lightin...
DRASH: Replacing Power Unit Frame Shelters > Army …
Nov 21, 2019 · What do you do when DRASH tents are not mission capable or not economically repairable? The answer is simple. The Army has approved replacement of the older technology articulating frame shelters...
DRASH 5XB Shelter - Reeves EMS
All DRASH XB Series Shelters measure 13.6’ in interior width and 8.7' interior in height.
Military Tents Shelters and Military Grade Tents for Sale by ...
We have a wide selection of military tents, from GP Small, GP Medium, Temper Tents, Drash Tents, Base-X Tents, down to the Mobiflex Tent along with other models. These Tents are built to the highest standard, making them resistant to various weather conditions with superior reliability.
DRASH® M Series Shelter - HDT Global
Widest of the man-portable DRASH military tents, the DRASH M Series Shelter is a mobile, lightweight, rugged, reliable and user-friendly soft-walled shelter solution to establishing life support, command and control or medical soft walled structures in any environment.