[FS] 問﹕試講下幾時會用到Drencher System同埋設計考慮?
- 主要用嚟隔開啲Large Opening, e.g. 大型Theatre, 如果落Fire Shutter not practical, 就落Drencher - 10L/min/meter square - 每2.4m要有一個頭 - 個Tank啲水夠行30mins - 可Manual Control 有兩種方法踢著
Fire/Safety Curtain Research - Historic Theatre Photos
Some installations include a “drencher” (also called a deluge or sprinkler), essentially a water pipe with holes along its length, located above the safety/fire curtain and running its entire width.
Safety curtain - Wikipedia
A safety curtain (or fire curtain in America) is a passive fire protection feature used in large proscenium theatres. It is usually a heavy fabric curtain located immediately behind the proscenium arch. Asbestos -based materials were originally used to manufacture the curtain, before the dangers of asbestos were widely known.
The drencher - is a water sprinkler system designed to provide water on to both the safety curtain and the tracks it runs down whilst it descends. It is not designed or needed as a cooling system once it lands on stage. The drencher control at stage door is for the sole use of the Fire and Rescue Service.
So if we can use the drencher system replacing the fire curtain is to resolve this problem. Otherwise, the sprinkler system for the auditorium is another difficult problem in the fire design of the stage. In this article several system have been presented, we will recommend you the one in reason and more economical.
Drencher Fire Sprinkler System
SEA MAX FIRE ENGINEERING WORKS provides installation, designing of complete automatic Drencher Fire Sprinkler System for buildings, companies
Glossary of Technical Theatre Terms – The Theatre Building
The part of the stage and theatre which is out of the sight of the audience (also known as Behind the Scenes). The service areas of the theatre, behind, beside or underneath the stage. Also refers to the personnel who work in the technical departments that work to create the performance, alongside the actors and musicians. German: Hinterbühne
Accidentally setting off the drencher - General Technical Chat
2016年10月17日 · Just heard a story on Simon Mayo Radio 2 about someone who works in a post-WW2 1000 seat theatre with a studio down south begging forgiveness for releasing the drencher during an am-dram show of The sound of music a long time ago. Apparently he had just flown in a cloth and thought that being war...
Drencher system shall be designed to provide protection for openings, to separate an area of high fire risk such as in theatre stages with safety curtain provision, for exposure protection, to protect the marine filling station and to provide protection for the refuge floors to the approval of the FSD. The drencher installation shall meet with
Fire Safety in Theatres - Fire Safety Technical Note
2022年10月2日 · Where necessary to maintain the integrity of the safety curtain, a hand-operated drencher system should be provided capable of drenching the whole of the stage face of the curtain and the curtain guides. The stage should also be provided with suitable ventilation, which may be one of the following: