Detail & Sill Drip Profiles Moulding | AZEK Exteriors
Enjoy the beauty and benefits of the Detail & Sill/Drip Profiles: Stands up to harsh weather; Resists stains, scratches, and fading; Quick and easy installation; Resists mold, mildew, and moisture damage; No cupping, rotting, or splitting; Suitable for ground contact applications; UV protection inside and out
Stockton Products® CAD Details
The Stockton Products® CAD Details below are complete drawings that can easily be downloaded, customized for your residential or commercial project, and included in your CAD library for future use.
Phil. Arch. Review: Free CAD Blocks and Details
Fire Rated Soffit of Slab to Wall Joint Details CAD. Flat Roof Details CAD. Floor Transition Details CAD. Flooring Detail at Pedestrian Ramp CAD. Footpath Details CAD. G ... Typical Drip Mold Detail CAD. Typical Fire Hose Cabinet Details 1 CAD. Typical Fire Hose Cabinet Details 2 CAD. Typical Flashing Details CAD.
Detail and Sill/Drip Profiles - AZEK Building Products - CADdetails
Detail profiles are versatile profiles that may be used as a base shoe, inside corner moulding or to cover any veneer juncture/joint. They can also be used as detailed accents in larger build-outs above windows, doors or along the rake of a roof line.
F-D 75-75: F Drip Molding - Stockton Products
Provides a plaster stop/drip molding with an aesthetic reveal for window heads, tops of door frames and plate conditions where a drip edge is required.
FDM: F Drip Mold - Stockton Products
Provides a plaster stop/drip molding with an aesthetic reveal for window heads, top of doors frames and plate conditions where a drip function in desired.
Provides a plaster stop/drip molding with an aesthetic reveal for window heads, top of doors frames and plate conditions where a drip function in desired.
Drip mould detail in AutoCAD, dwg files. - Cadbull
Definitions of drip mould. (architecture) a projection from a cornice or sill designed to protect the area below from rainwater (as over a window or doorway) In architecture, a hood mould, label mould (from Latin labia, lip), drip mould or dripstone, is an external moulded projection from a wall over an opening to throw off rainwater ...
Outdoor molding - DETAIL & SILL/DRIP - AZEK Building …
Sill/Drip profiles can be used as a brick ledge or water table to separate two different material veneers. These profiles also offer architectural detail and assist with water management around doors, windows and cladding.
these furring strips create a continuous air gap between the siding and the water-resistive barrier. Specific requirements apply to the installation of Maibec trims and corners in coastal regions†. For details, see the Maibec Regular Siding installation guide.