Excess DOD Property Disposal - Defense Logistics Agency
DLA is responsible for disposal of excess Department of Defense personal property, foreign excess personal property, scrap, hazardous waste, and property requiring demilitarization. DLA is prepared to assist you in completing necessary documents, arranging for disposal solutions, and training your personnel in disposal turn-in procedures.
Signs may not say DRMO anymore, but sites still have same great …
During fiscal 2019, materiel with an estimated acquisition value of more than $27.5 billion was turned in to the sites formally known as DRMO. Every dollar's worth of property reutilized is a tax dollar saved. DLA Disposition Services also supports disaster relief at home, and humanitarian assistance and foreign military sales programs.
Property Turn-In - Defense Logistics Agency
The DD Form 1348-1A is the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned-in and is an important record for auditability. Properly filled-out documents will expedite your time with our site but will also help ensure your turn-in is accepted.
Drmo Demo我的小院 - 哔哩哔哩
Drmo的基础操作,及Demo的制作,针对2024年大赛, 视频播放量 563、弹幕量 2、点赞数 5、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 8、转发人数 9, 视频作者 unity_某某师_高锦锦, 作者简介 Unity_QQ交流群:720185339。,相关视频:Drmo基础操作视频_01,游戏开发-Unity-UGUI项目EndlessRun(五),Drmo按钮触发显示效果,Unity_如何添加 ...
DLA Disposition Services also known as old DRMO and also …
DLA Disposition Services (old DRMS) disposes of excess property received from the military services. The inventory changes daily and includes thousands of items: from air conditioners to vehicles,...
MCO 4400.201 W/ CH-2 Volumes 1-17 - Marines.mil
This Order prescribes strategic policy, procedures, and responsibilities for managing all categories of property under Marine Corps control in compliance with Department of Defense (DoD)...
• Coordination with the DRMO prior to turn in of excess property is mandatory. • During this coordination we will ask that you: – Assure that the property receives protection and care in handling. – Resolve discrepancies prior to DRMO accepting accountability. – Describe any special handling or unloading requirements
DoD / Federal Condition Codes CC - Logtool
Disposal condition codes are assigned by the DRMO based on inspection of materiel at time of receipt. A combination of the disposal condition codes, which most accurately describe the materiel physical condition, and the supply condition codes will constitute the Federal condition codes for utilization program screening and review purpose.
DRMO processing procedures > Whiteman Air Force Base > News
2010年5月3日 · Personnel looking wishing to dispose of any government property must follow a process. The 509th LRS customer service support manager offers the following information about the process here and answers common questions. Q: What can I turn in to DRMO? A: Anything procured with government funds must be returned to the local DRMO.
Debunking the ‘mystery’ behind turning in excess government property ...
2018年7月12日 · In order to understand the process, it is important to first visit the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (known to many as ‘DRMO’) website at http://www.dla.mil/DispositionServices.aspx. This website provides user-friendly, step-by-step instructions for turn-in procedures, as well as all of the required turn-in documentation.