Drone (Legacy of the Void) - Liquipedia - The StarCraft II …
The Drone is the basic worker unit for Zerg. It can harvest Minerals and Vespene Gas as well as build any Zerg structure at the cost of its life. Drones differ from Probes and SCVs in that they can only slowly regenerate health as opposed to the fast recharging shields of the Probe or the repairable 45 hit points of the SCV.
Drone (StarCraft II) - Fandom
The drone is the zerg worker unit in StarCraft II. Drones are rallied separately from other units with the "G" key, which can be combined with automine. Unlike their predecessors, they no longer have a ranged attack. Unlike most other zerg ground units, drones do not gain a …
星际争霸2单位、建筑及其外号整理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
爱萌:爆笑星际中的一只感染虫控制了三族部队与主角团对战,被称为埃蒙。 但因为画风可爱,爱萌显得更加合适一些。 宿主:简称。 蘑菇:长得像。 娜个兵种:是大刺蛇钟爱的娜个兵种呢。 B站UP主大刺蛇最喜欢最擅长的打法便是虫洞宿主,而娜娜为其视频配音时将其成为娜个兵种。 小虫子:名如其虫。 长得就是小虫子的样子。 牛/大牛/牛牛:暂时还没查到为什么叫牛。 猛犸(星际一说法):体型原因。 房子:对应补给站。 气球:长得像。 聚团的房子挨揍时被称为打气球 …
Drone - StarCraft Wiki
Drones stem from the savage gashyrr wasps of Eldersthine, absorbed into the Zerg Swarm to serve as resource gatherers. Over time they became drones, engineered with the larvae 's ability to break down their own genetic coding and transform themselves into …
工蜂 Drone - 异虫 虫族 Zerg - 游戏资料 - 《星际争霸2》游侠专题 …
简介 他们是异虫社会最基本的组成部分,资源的采集以及各种建筑的孵化都离不开工蜂。 而且与其他种族不同,工蜂必须牺牲自己才能完成建筑的孵化。 情报. 掘地 (R) 1 需要研发: 掘地 使单位潜入地下,但无法攻击或移动,潜入地下的单位被判定为隐形。 变体建筑 (B) 允许工蜂变体为基础建筑。 变体高级建筑 (V) 允许工蜂变体为高级与高等级建筑。 地面类甲壳 (C) 等级1: 150 150 160 等级2: 225 225 190 等级3: 300 300 220 研究于: 进化房 等级2 需要: 巢穴 提高所有异虫地面单 …
星际争霸2 英文维基词条 工蜂(Drone)翻译 - 哔哩哔哩
顺便附上官网链接:https://sc2.blizzard.cn/unit/drone/ “心智单一且劳作勤恳的工蜂在其遗传密码中保存着能变异成所有种类的异虫建筑的进化潜力。 它们只需要足够的资源和菌毯来滋养不断裂生的生物质。
Point Defense Drone (Legacy of the Void) - Liquipedia
The Point Defense Drone (or PDD for short) was a light-air Terran unit removed in the 4.0.0 patch, it is deployed by a Raven at the cost of 100 energy. The Drone is immobile and cannot attack, but will negate specific enemy projectiles near itself, protecting allied units.
Drone (Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm) - Liquipedia
Drones can be used to build Spine Crawlers as defense when attempting an aggressive cheese against Zerg. With mineral walking and proper micro, Drones can fend off early Zergling rushes with minimal losses.
Understanding SC2 Drones in StarCraft II - m.wikdrone.com
SC2 Drones in StarCraft II are essential units in the Zerg army, responsible for gathering resources, constructing buildings, and transforming into various structures to support the Zerg swarm. In this guide, we'll cover the role of SC2 Drones and …
Drone - StarCraft II - Legacy of the Void Guide - IGN
2013年3月22日 · Order Drone to gather resources from a selected Mineral Field or Vespene Geyser. Buries the unit underground. Burrowed units are unable to move or attack, but they cannot be seen without...