Paper - Dropbox
Dropbox Paper is more than a doc—it’s a co-editing tool that brings creation and coordination together in one place. Dropbox Paper is free with any Dropbox account. What can you do with Paper? Real time collaboration. Edit, format, and comment on docs seamlessly with your team. Keep everyone organized.
Non-woven made of cellulosis, polyester and fiber glass. Fibrous aspect. Fire resistant M1, B1, Class 1, NFPA 701. Indoor. Temporary architecture, kakemono, partition, banner, lamp shade, …
Drop paper 是什么纸 - 百度知道
DROP PAPER其尺寸稳定,是制造室内屏风的理想材料,可用做临时建筑,画轴,屏风,横幅,灯罩,天花等等。还可喷绘印刷、百变的剪接造型等。 4.环保性 法国纹理纸获得Imprim'Vert®环保标志。
法国纹理纸Drop Paper主要应用于适用于商业空间、酒店空间、办公空间、餐饮空间、售楼处、宴会厅、高端会所、潮玩店、网红打卡店等各种室内装饰和博物馆、活动场馆的布置、高端卖场汽车4S店及橱窗的氛围营造等等。
Paper - Dropbox
Dropbox Paper is more than a doc – it’s a co-editing tool that brings creation and coordination together in one place. Dropbox Paper is free with any Dropbox account. What can you do with Paper? Real-time collaboration. Edit, format and comment on docs seamlessly with your team. Keep everyone organised.
纸绎坊 - Design Shanghai 设计上海丨CN
法国纹理纸Drop Paper主要应用于大型的展览展台装饰、博物馆和活动场馆的布置、高端卖场及橱窗的氛围营造等等。 适用于商业空间、酒店空间、办公空间、餐饮空间、售楼处等各种室内装饰。
法国纹理纸 - 百度百科
法国纹理纸,被称为“最新趋势布展材料”,具有幅面宽、色彩多样、节能、防火、抗老化等优异特性,是一款安全、环保、节能的新型展示设计材料。 选择法国纹理纸做装修材料的装饰优势有:第一,颜色多变,款式多变,可定制,完全符合各类 装饰材料 装修的要求。 第二,防火性能好,达到欧标M1,国标B1的防火标准,安全性能可见一斑。 第三,透光性好,依靠灯光烘托背景气氛,效果尤为显著。 第四,植物原材料,非涂层,抗老化。 法国纹理纸的设计获得欧 …
DropPaper 法纹纸法理纸设计天花吊顶纸绎坊理法纸波浪造型法纹 …
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DropPaper: Paper-like material for event or interior applications - ShowTex
Flame-retardant, paper-like material for vibrant displays. Available in 3 different weights. Get creative with the wide range of colours, or enjoy the versatile custom finishings like laser-cutting, printing or hand-painted patterns.
Drop Paper
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