Pittsburghese Dictionary: How to Talk Like a Yinzer
2021年6月9日 · It’s the Pittsburgh way to say “you all,” and Pittsburghers are oft referred to as Yinzers. The word is unique to the region, and while lots of folks claim to hate it, it’s still affectionately...
Pittsburghese Dictionary: How to translate the Yinzer vocabulary
2019年4月25日 · You have probably noticed the T-shirts emblazoned with the word “yinz” being sold all over the city. Yes, it’s the Pittsburgh way to say “you all.” But please don’t start saying it.
Do people actually say “yinz” irl? : r/pittsburgh - Reddit
I’m originally from Beaver County and you’ll hear it all the time out there. There are definitely some people who force the word to try to sound hip. On the flip side, it just hits different when you hear an older steel worker or firefighter drop a natural younz/yinz in conversation.
yinz Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
2018年11月13日 · What does yinz mean? Yinz is a Pittsburgh equivalent to y’all. It is used to address two or more people as a second-person plural pronoun.
Yinz - Wikipedia
Yinz (see § History and usage below for other spellings) is a second-person plural pronoun used mainly in Western Pennsylvania English. It is most prominent in Pittsburgh, but it is also found throughout the cultural region known as Appalachia, located within the geographical region of …
13 Yinzer Phrases only Pittsburghers Really Understand
2019年4月20日 · Say that outside of the burgh, and not many know what yinz is talkin’ about. But those who do… well, we consider them friends. Here are 13 “ Yinzer Phrases ” only true Pittsburghers understand. 1. Mum used the sweeper to sweep up them crumbs.
Yinz: Pittsburgh’s Multipurpose Slang Word, Explained
2023年2月27日 · Yinz, meaning “you all,” is a staple in the dialect known as Pittsburghese. Read on for our guide on this truly versatile slang. "How yinz guys doing?" Depending on your familiarity with Western Pennsylvania's culture and language, phrases like that might cause you to shake your head in confusion. Don't worry, though…
Do you guys really say the word yinz? : r/pittsburgh - Reddit
There's so much of this in Pittsburghese, but because it's not a totally original word, it gets overlooked. One of the few examples that does get recognition is how we drop “to be", but the other, less noticed stuff like this use of "leave it open" is what separates true Yinzers from imitators. Reply reply More repliesMore replies
How do yinz feel about this? : r/pittsburgh - Reddit
2022年9月17日 · Moving to Pittsburgh in October and feel similarly. Visited twice so far and never heard anyone say “Yinz” yet. How is it appropriately used? My understanding is that Pittsburghers identify as, “Yinz,” but how is it used in conversation. Do you refer to someone as a Yinz? Singular? Plural? Reply reply [deleted] •
The Pittsburgh accent: A deep dive into how yinz talk | 90.5 WESA
2017年9月28日 · Words like "yinz" and "n'at" appear throughout Pittsburgh, but the origin of the city's dialect is pretty unique compared to other regions. The famous, or perhaps infamous, …