Copper cells and stomach acid secretion in the Drosophila midgut
Copper cells in the Drosophila midgut were originally named for their ability to accumulate dietary copper. Recent studies have uncovered a number of intriguing similarities between copper cells and the acid-producing gastric parietal cells of the mammalian stomach.
A cell atlas of the adult Drosophila midgut - PNAS
Studies of the adult Drosophila midgut have led to many insights in our understanding of cell-type diversity, stem cell regeneration, tissue homeostasis, and cell fate decision. Advances in single-cell RNA sequencing provide opportunities to identify new cell types and molecular features.
Dpp Signaling Determines Regional Stem Cell Identity in the ...
2013年7月11日 · Dpp secreted from enterocytes at the boundary between the posterior midgut and the middle midgut (MM) sets up a morphogen gradient that selectively directs copper cell (CC) regeneration from gastric SCs in the MM and thus determines the size of the CC region.
EGFR and Notch signaling respectively regulate proliferative activity ...
2014年3月7日 · Quiescent, multipotent gastric stem cells (GSSCs) in the copper cell region of adult Drosophila midgut can produce all epithelial cell lineages found in the region, including...
Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive Tract of Drosophila ...
The middle midgut (R3) contains a copper cell region in R3ab, which produces gastric acid, followed by a large flat cell region (R3c) with unclear function. Two boundaries flanking this region are inflection points where the midgut folds stereotypically inside the body cavity.
Copper homeostasis in Drosophila by complex interplay of …
2007年2月8日 · In Drosophila, the metal‐responsive transcription factor (MTF‐1) plays a dual role in copper homeostasis: at limiting copper concentrations, it induces the Ctr1B copper importer gene, whereas at high copper concentrations, it mainly induces the metallothionein genes.
Ubx dynamically regulates Dpp signaling by repressing Dad …
2016年11月15日 · Dad and Dpp activity is dynamically regulated in the adult Drosophila middle midgut. Dynamic regulation of Dad is required for gastric stem cell differentiation. Ubx is required to repress Dad for the regeneration of acid-producing copper cells. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of metazoans is lined by a series of regionally distinct epithelia.
Copper cells and stomach acid secretion in the Drosophila midgut
2004年6月1日 · Copper cells in the Drosophila midgut were originally named for their ability to accumulate dietary copper. Recent studies have uncovered a number of intriguing similarities between...
Molecular mechanism and functional significance of acid …
2016年6月2日 · The acidic region of Drosophila midgut contains a unique subset of cells–the copper cells–with a highly invaginated apical membrane, similar to the mammalian gastric parietal cells 10,...
Quiescent gastric stem cells maintain the adult Drosophila stomach
The adult Drosophila copper cell region or “stomach” is a highly acidic compartment of the midgut with pH < 3. In this region, a specialized group of acid-secreting cells similar to mammalian gastric parietal cells has been identified by a unique ultrastructure and …
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