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Promote your cryptocurrency project on our website. AI meets meme coin. 4000% APY! Buy $GMF Ad. The total cryptocurrency market cap today is $2.86 T, a -1.61% change in the last …
Drotaverine: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank …
2010年9月7日 · Drotaverine is a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor used to alleviate gastrointestinal and genitourinary smooth muscle spasms.
Drotaverine: Uses, Side Effects, Dosage and Precautions
Drotaverine (also known as Drotaverine) is an antispasmodic drug similar to papaverine in structure. The medication relieves pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome, headache, and …
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DRO SPAZ is used to treat the following conditions: Spasms, of the smooth muscles, related to the diseases of the biliary system and the gall bladder: gallstone disease, cholecystitis (gall …
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دروتافيرين, امراض العضلات والعظام و المفاصل الاستخدامات : يشار إليه لعلاج تشنجات العضلات الملساء في المعدة والقلب. يتم استخدامه لتخفيف الألم الناجم عن متلازمة القولون العصبي والصداع وفترات الحيض ، ويستخدم أيضا لتخفيف تشنج عنق الرحم أثناء المخاض.
Drotaverine Hydrochloride: Uses, Dose, Side Effects and Cost
4 天之前 · Drotaverine hydrochloride is an antispasmodic durg, a pain relief medicine; used to treated and relieve smooth muscle spasms i.e. is seen in menstrual pain, abdominal pain, pain …
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2022年7月4日 · Chống co thắt cơ trơn không thuộc nhóm kháng choline. - Hấp thu: Hấp thu qua đường uống tương đương với đường tiêm. Hấp thu hoàn toàn sau 12 phút. Thời gian bắt đầu …