SCP-666-J - SCP Foundation
Dr. Gerald was told to take an ordinary school bus full of D-class to a nearby site. He somehow managed to end up in a demolition derby. Item #: SCP-666-J. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: D-Class and Gerald are the only ones allowed to get on any vehicle that Dr. Gerald happens to be driving.
Rodney Gerald | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Rodney[3] Gerald, classified as " SCP-666-J ", is a retired SCP Foundation scientist that had the rank of Head Research Assistant. Rodney Gerald was a new addition to the SCP Foundation because of his work in the field of neuroscience, physics, and quantum mechanics.
666 - YouTube
2024年8月1日 · Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS666 · DRS · MBK · Revolxist · Invaderz · ALBINO666℗ 2024 Triple Six RecordsReleased on: 2024-08-02Music Publisher: Copyright C...
SCP-666 - 百度百科
SCP-666「灵魂归宿」是网络共笔怪谈体系《SCP基金会》中的异常项目。 一个中等大小的藏式圆顶帐篷,在未被人观察注视时,会周期性的在收容区内移动位置。 当没有重大成瘾史的人进入帐篷时,帐篷会继续处于休眠状态,且似乎不产生任何不良影响。 但是,有药物滥用史的个体在帐篷内部会遭受致幻效应。 SCP-666需被存放在位于西藏山区Site 73的一座被监控的封闭保险库之内。 执勤警卫必须每周更换,且在被派遣到岗位前必须通过一个背景审查,以证明其没有毒瘾和酒 …
The # of the Beast is # of a man / donald 6 johann 6 drumpf 6 - DRS
2017年1月21日 · DRS Digital Repository Service Homepage Menu Toggle Search Search Northeastern University; College of Arts, Media and Design; ... Here is Wisdom: The # of the Beast is # of a Man 666 / donald 6 johann 6 drumpf 6 Poster Colors: 15161a, 97979b, 535458, 303136, 77777b, 4e262d, 704950, 581b2a, 916971, 36141a / …
Global ID : 666 ( By Drs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe ) Full VHS
3 天之前 · From The VHS Box:GLOBAL ID: 666 By Drs. Jack and Rexella Van ImpeDrs. Jack and Rexella Van Impe give you the biblical insight and wisdom you need in order ...
SCP-666 - SCP Foundation
2021年7月28日 · Item #: SCP-666. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-666 is to be stored in a monitored, closed vault at all times at Site 73 in the Tibetan mountains. Guards are to be changed weekly, must pass a background check before being assigned to their post, and proven free of drug and alcohol addiction.
SCP-666-J - Fondation SCP
Objet n o: SCP-666-J. Classe : Euclide. Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : Les membres du personnel de Classe D et Gérald sont les seules personnes autorisées à monter dans tout véhicule piloté par le Dr Gérald. Il convient de préparer un nombre de sacs mortuaires égal au nombre de passagers présents dans tout véhicule qu’il ...
DR.666 - 知乎
就凭《一块劳力士的回家路》和《非浪》,朱一旦就有资格在互联网短视频时代的历史上留下大名了。 当然,是在将来某一天,他说了什么更加“不中听”的话突然消失之后。
Damian Ramirez Salcedo (@drs_666) - Instagram
0 Followers, 504 Following, 38 Posts - Damian Ramirez Salcedo (@drs_666) on Instagram: "I'm just a simple boy "