Can't Remove Glyph - Blizzard Support
Can't Remove Druid's Treant or Stag Form. Information about the Treant and Stag Forms from the Dreamgrove. Can't Complete Quest - Dragon Glyphs and You. Information about an issue where the NPC has no dialogue option to complete the quest
Race Change Information and Restrictions - Blizzard Support
RESTRICTIONS. Your character must be at least level 10. Pending paid services prevent completing a Race Change. ...
Appearance Doesn't Show in the Transmog Wardrobe
A druid wouldn't be able to unlock the appearance of an item that was rogue-specific, even if the item was leather. Any refund or trade timer has expired. For alt characters, you will not see the item in your Wardrobe until the timer has expired, even if your main character can see it.
Cannot Apply a Transmogrification Appearance - Blizzard Support
If you are unable to apply a transmog, check the following: Disable your addons. Mouse over the equipped item and check if it says "This item cannot be transmogr
Consequences of Switching Covenants - Blizzard Support
In this example, your rogue can use the Night Fae appearances and mounts unlocked by the druid. In addition, the druid can switch to any other Covenant and will retain the ability to use appearances and mounts unlocked with the Night Fae. Please note that armor type restrictions apply. See Unlocking Covenant Transmogs for more information.
Can't Remove Druid's Treant or Stag Form - Blizzard Support
What to do if you can't change your druid shapeshift appearances after Patch 9.0. Unable to Customize Druid Travel, Flight, or Aquatic Form in the Barber Shop. What to do if you can't customize your Druid forms in the Barber Shop. Missing Druid Travel Form Appearance. What to do if your flight form is missing the unlocked Druid's class mount ...
Can't Apply an Artifact Appearance to my Weapon
For example, if you are a Druid in Guardian spec wielding a staff, the drop-down will show you the Claws of Ursoc appearance, and not the Scythe of Elune appearance as this is a Balance spec artifact. You can apply Claws of Ursoc to your staff (because artifact appearances ignore general restrictions as explained above).
Druid Legion Artifact Appearances Don't Work After Patch 9.0
Druid appearances can now be changed at the Barber Shop as of Patch 9.0. If you are unable to change your druid's appearance at the Barber Shop, check to ensure the following: 1. You have learned the glyph for the appearance you are trying to …
Account Hacked - Blizzard Support
Malicious Addons. Some hackers inject viruses and other malware into player-made addons. These programs can break your game installation, damage your computer, or leave you open to credit card and identity theft.
Unlocking Your Class Mount - Blizzard Support
Missing Druid Travel Form Appearance. What to do if your flight form is missing the unlocked Druid's class mount appearance. No Mount After Unlocking Allied Race. Requirements for obtaining the Allied Race mounts. Class Trial. Information on the Class Trial feature.