Drum screens stationary - komptech.com
With stationary drum screens, a corresponding screening machine is available for every system size. Directly driven heavy-duty supporting wheels (1845/2055: DRUMGRIP-drive) provide quiet drum operation and top efficiency with reduced energy consumption and noise emissions.
Screening Equipment - Jashindia
SERIES: B511 – “ROTOCLEAN” ROTARY DRUM SCREEN: ROTOCLEAN is a very fine drum screen provided with punched sheet or wedge wire bars to prevent fine sized floating wastes from travelling further in to waste water treatment plants. The screen is installed at 35-degree inclination with the open end of drum facing the water.
VERTI SCREW screens are used to pre-treat any type of wastewater, whether municipal or industrial, but especially for the use in pumping stations, to protect the pumps. Depending on the type of application, is possible to choose between the version with or without compacting zone.
With stationary drum screens, a corresponding screening machine is available for every system size. Directly driven heavy-duty supporting wheels (1845/2055: DRUMGRIP-drive) provide quiet drum operation and top efficiency with reduced energy consumption and noise emissions. A high throughput performance is guaranteed by feed screws
Drum screens for sea water intake applications - Hubert
The Hubert micro screen system consist of a drum fitted along its outer circumference with screen panels. The drum is placed in a concrete pit or tanks and rotates on a stationary hollow shaft fitted with one or more funnel-shaped debris collectors.
DRUM SCREENS - beaudrey-edited
BEAUDREY drum screens are used mainly for medium and large capacity industrial or power plants. They are self-cleaning and reliable with only one moving part. Fully automatic, they can handle very large flow rates and are available in 2 layouts: with an outside-towards-inside or inside-towards-outside flow pattern.
Drum Screen Rotary Equipment for Wastewater Treatment
Drumtec is a rotary drum screen that has been specifically designed for heavy pretreatment applications, including municipal wastewater, mud thickening, septic receiving stations, and food processing facilities. This product is especially well-suited for use in membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment plants.
Internally Fed Drum Screen | Design and manufacturing | SEFT
The internally fed rotary drum screen IFS is composed of a tank and a spiral connected to a drum for the screening transportation. The drum screen is made of a perforated plate and the perforated holes profile diameter can be selected on the customer's needs. The drum screen is supported by nylon wheels, and it is operated by a gearbox.
Noggerath® Rotary Drum Screen | Passavant & Geiger
The fine screening of wastewater in channel or tank with a perforated or wedgewire screen or a mesh covering – including subsequent screenings conveyance, dewatering, compacting and discharge Insights
DRUM SCREEN - Wastewater Fine Filtration - EQUIPWATER
DRUM SCREEN is an internally fed screening device with the flow being fed and distributed inside a screening cylinder called drum. The stainless steel cylinder designed with wedge wire mesh or perforated holes from 0,25 to 6 mm provide the best screening/solids capture performance in all screening applications.