一文读懂差示扫描荧光法(DSF) - 知乎专栏
差示扫描荧光法(Differential Scanning Fluorimetry, 简称DSF),是在荧光定量PCR仪上缓慢加热样品,在加热的过程中检测荧光染料与结构发生改变的蛋白质相结合的量,来评价蛋白质热稳定性的方法。
Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (DSF) | Center for …
Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (DSF) measures protein unfolding by monitory changes in fluorescence as a function of temperature. Conventional DSF uses a hydrophobic fluorescent dye that binds to proteins as they unfold.
Protocol for performing and optimizing differential scanning ...
2023年12月15日 · Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) is a widely used technique for determining the apparent melting temperature (Tma) of a purified protein. Here, we present a protocol for performing and optimizing DSF experiments. We describe steps for designing and performing the experiment, analyzing data, and optimization.
nanoDSF 微量差示扫描荧光法表征蛋白配体互作 - 知乎
2022年9月20日 · 差示扫描荧光法(DSF),也被称为thermal shift assay(TSA),是表征蛋白热稳定性的常用方法之一,广泛应用于蛋白配体互作表征,突变体、缓冲液、去垢剂筛选等领域。
药物筛选与靶标发现 | 差示扫描荧光法(DSF) - 企业动态 - 丁香通
2022年3月4日 · 差示扫描荧光法 (differential scanning fluorimetry, DSF) 是一种方便快捷的高通量药物筛选及靶标发现的方法,该方法具有蛋白样品损耗少、通量高、温度变化范围广及数据准确等优点,被广泛用于蛋白质稳定性(蛋白质热稳定性参数及其影响因素)、蛋白结构和构象、蛋白-配体相互作用及蛋白质稳定剂、抑制剂、辅助因子等领域的研究。 差示扫描荧光法(DSF)以荧光染料为指示剂,检测蛋白的热稳定性。 目前最常用的染料是 SYPRO Orange,SYPRO Orange …
Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) is a widely used technique for determining the apparent melting temperature (Tma) of a purified protein. Here, we present a protocol for performing and optimizing DSF experiments. We describe steps for designing and performing the experiment, analyzing data, and optimization.
DSF | Center for Macromolecular Interactions - Harvard University
How much protein is needed for molecular property analysis by DSF, CD, or light scattering? The amount of protein needed will vary by method and sometimes by the mass of protein to be characterized. See CMI Service Protein Requirements for estimates and recommendations for the amount of protein needed for standard data collection.
Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (DSF) | Unchained Labs
With differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF), you can quickly screen through many different proteins or formulation candidates to find the most stable ones. Instead of waiting days or weeks for an accelerated, high temp isothermal study, or even longer for a real-time stability study, DSF gets you stability answers in just a few hours by ...
Protein-adaptive differential scanning fluorimetry using ... - Nature
2024年5月14日 · Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) is a technique that reports protein thermal stability via the selective recognition of unfolded states by fluorogenic dyes....
一文读懂差示扫描荧光法(DSF)_蛋白质_检测_染料 - 搜狐
2022年11月10日 · 差示扫描荧光法(Differential Scanning Fluorimetry, 简称DSF),是在荧光定量PCR仪上缓慢加热样品,在加热的过程中检测荧光染料与结构发生改变的蛋白质相结合的量,来评价蛋白质热稳定性的方法。 该方法具有蛋白样品损耗少、通量高、温度变化范围广及数据准确等优点,被广泛用于蛋白质稳定性(蛋白质热稳定性参数及其影响因素)、蛋白结构和构象、蛋白-配体相互作用及蛋白质稳定剂、抑制剂、辅助因子等领域的研究。 DSF可以通过荧光染料或蛋白 …