Defense Style Questionnaire--40 - APA PsycNet
The Defense Style Questionnaire--40 (DSQ-40; Andrews, Singh & Bond, 1993) is a modification of the original Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ; Bond, Gardner & Sigal, 1983), and was developed to create a psychometrically acceptable instrument in which the heterogeneity of defenses measured in the original DSQ was preserved in factor scores, while ...
(PDF) Examining the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ40
2016年8月30日 · The 40-item version of the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40) is a widely used self-report measure of defense mechanisms. A previous study, however, has suggested that 12 items out...
(PDF) Defense Style Questionnaire - ResearchGate
2017年1月1日 · The Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) is a widely used self-report measure of empirically derived groupings of defense mechanisms ranked on an adaptive hierarchy.
[Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40): factors, validity and ...
A multi-level validity analysis of DSQ-40 was carried out. Methods: We applied trait assessing measures for anxiety, avoidant behavior, schizotypal traits and personality disorder diagnostic measures developed for DSM-5. To evaluate discriminant validity we applied instruments that assess the stability of self-esteem and the state of self and ...
Defence Style Questionnaire-40 items (DSQ-40) (Andrews, 1993).
The DSQ-40 is a 40-item self-report questionnaire designed to highlight individuals’ defence mechanisms and was initially created in alignment with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
Defense Style Questionnaire - SpringerLink
2017年4月12日 · Defense styles are empirically validated clusters of psychological defense mechanisms, measured with the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ). The DSQ is a paper-pen, self-report questionnaire, with two versions containing either 88 or 40 items.
The original English version DSQ-40 (Andrews et al., 1993) is composed of 40 items which measure the three defense styles categories; mature (anticipation, humor, sublimation and suppression), neurotic (idealization, reaction formation, pseudo-altruism and undoing) and
(Open Access) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40): factors
TL;DR: DSQ-40 is a reliable instrument to assess defense style that can be efficiently applied in clinical practice and that was supposed to be used as the sixth diagnostic factor of the new version of DSM.
心理防御方式 (DSQ)问卷-评分标准
下面以DSQ-40为例,介绍一种常见的评分方法和标准。 DSQ-40评分标准. DSQ-40包括40个项目,分为四个主要的防御风格类别: 1.成熟防御风格(如幽默、亚文化) 2.神经质防御风格(如压抑) 3.不成熟防御风格(如否认) 4.其他,有时被分类为特定的防御风格(如投射) 每个条目由参与者根据他们使用该防御机制的频率进行评分,通常是在1到5的Likert量表上,其中1代表“从不”使用,而5代表“总是”使用。 计算得分. -单个风格得分:计算某一防御风格类别下所有项目得分 …
dsq 共包括 88 个项目(见附表),包括比较广泛的防御行为:即从成熟的直到不成熟的。 每个项目均采用 1-9 的九级评定方法,较为细致。 具体介绍如下(此处与已发表论文略有不同);