DTS:X is a next generation audio codec that brings better entertainment experiences home. DTS:X immersive audio decoder delivers heightened levels excitement and realism to TVs, …
30.2声道、5层架构,探究家庭影院环绕声终极规格DTS:X Pro
2020年2月20日 · DTS:X Pro的应用,要满足几个条件:这是专为高阶用户开发的模式,适用的,是较为大型的空间,同时需要配置更为高端的系统以及更多的声道数(后级放大器+音箱) …
What is the difference between DTS:X and DTS:X Pro? - Trinnov
2021年4月27日 · In 2012, both Dolby Laboratories and DTS introduced their immersive audio solutions: Dolby Atmos and DTS:X in commercial cinemas. Both formats are different from …
DTS:X vs Dolby Atmos. Part I: Speaker Layout
2017年5月7日 · Both DTS:X and Dolby Atmos are relatively new audio formats that utilize objects instead of classical channel layouts. The metadata for the objects and their position in three …
Welcome To DTS:X - Open, Immersive And Flexible Object-Based …
2015年4月9日 · Twenty-two years later, DTS:X, the industry’s newest audio solution, is no longer limited to channels or tied to a speaker layout and is now delivered as part of the Digital …
杜比全景声、DTS:X、Auro 3D、IMAX Enhanced的区别 - 哔哩哔哩
DTS:X/DTS:X Pro DTS在5.1和7.1声道中使用DTS-HD这种基于声道的环绕音效处理上,有着辉煌历史和广泛的内容可选。 现在他们也提供由DTS-HD Master Audio演化、基于对象的沉浸 …
The Official Dolby Surround & DTS:X FAQ & Discussion Thread
2022年1月4日 · Flexible Speaker Layout - With flexible speaker layouts and remapping technology, DTS:X allows the placement of home theater speakers virtually anywhere. The …
Ten Speaker Layout Tips for Dolby Atmos, DTS.X & Auro
Since the format was announced >80% of our theaters have been designed to support Atmos and other next-generation audio formats such as DTS.X and Auro. Here are some of our learnings …
DTS:X® | SpringerLink
2023年3月12日 · As an immersive, object-based audio format, DTS:X is changing the way audio is created in the studio and delivered to consumers at home. DTS:X can use channels as well …
2020年6月16日 · Object-oriented systems are scalable based on the loudspeaker layout •Location •Size •Diffusion