EPCON Dual Compact Flotation Unit - SLB
The EPCON Dual compact flotation unit (CFU) has a unique internal design that incorporates residual flotation gas in a secondary separation stage to increase oil-in-water (OIW) removal while fully degassing the clean water outlet.
斯伦贝谢油水分离技术:推陈出新 永不止步-石油圈
2016年11月30日 · The EPCON Dual* compact flotation unit (CFU) efficiently removes oil from produced water, decreasing oil content for compliant overboard disposal. Its redeveloped internal design enables 50% greater oil removal efficiency in …
紧凑型气浮装置(Compact Flotation Unit,CFU)是一种已被充分验证且颇受青睐的油田采出水净化处理高新技术产品,作为一种立式加气浮选装置,用于除去采出水中的含油和含气;当采出水中的溶解气含量较低时,可以使用天然气或氮气作为外加气浮气源。 第一台(第一代)CFU产品2000-2001年诞生于挪威,由Epcon Offshore AS公司研制开发,简称为Epcon...
本团队自主设计了BIPT DUAL CFU,利用响应曲面法(RSM)和计算流体动力学(CFD)数值模拟方法对罐体内部二次旋流强化用导流叶片等关键结构进行了参数优选,并基于对罐体内部速度场、旋流场等流场分布特性的研究,讨论分析二次旋流强化作用对油水运移分离过程的影响规律。 1 BIPT DUAL CFU结构展示与模型建立. 1.1 结构展示. 图2 BIPT DUAL...
EPCON Dual Compact Flotation Unit (CFU) - Gms Interneer
The EPCON Dual compact flotation unit (CFU) has a unique internal design that incorporates residual flotation gas in a secondary separation stage to increase oil-in-water (OIW) removal while fully degassing the clean water outlet.
The EPCON Dual* compact flotation unit (CFU) efficiently removes oil from produced water, decreasing oil content for compliant overboard disposal. Its redeveloped internal design enables 50% greater
Dual compact flotation unit delivers big gains in oil removal ...
2015年4月9日 · The Schlumberger EPCON produced water treatment technologies group in Porsgrunn, Norway, has redesigned its compact flotation unit (CFU) technology. The resultant EPCON Dual CFU, the company claims, offers major improvements in separation and treatment of produced water on fixed and floating installations.
Advanced EPCON Dual Compact Flotation Unit Improves …
The EPCON Dual CFU introduces an engineered internal design that increases the overall oil-in-water removal efficiency while fully degassing the clean water outlet. The advanced CFU uses residual flotation gas to achieve optimal secondary separation in the lower part of the vessel.
斯伦贝谢公司的 EPCON CFU(紧凑型气浮装置)能够有效分离油田产出水中的油,使其在排放前含油量降至5ppm以下。 与传统的浮选装置相比,该装置体积更小,废水停留时间更短,效率更高。 油/水分离是半自动的过程,主要由由悬浮罐的内部装置和产出液中释放的残留气体或/和人工添加气体的浮选作用完成。 油井产出水从水平切向入口进入EPCON CFU罐中,受到气体的浮选作用后,细小的油滴逐渐聚集在一起形成体积较大的油滴,油水分离进程得到加速。 处理后的产 …
The EPCON Dual CFU introduces an engineered internal design that increases the overall oil-in-water removal efficiency while fully degassing the clean water outlet. The advanced CFU uses residual flotation gas to achieve optimal secondary separation in the lower part of the vessel. The major advantages of the EPCON Dual CFU include