2025年2月24日 · The forum name says it all. Nothing but serious duckhunting and ducktalk here!
2025年1月31日 · Trying to freshen this place up now that the season is all but done … I’m ready for spring now. 93495 Son’s first mallards he 100% shot
This is a discussion forum focused on hunting ducks in South Carolina.
2024年11月10日 · Finally decided to go chase some ducks with some buddies who flew in from SC and Indiana. Friday started slow as we were trying to figure them out and finished with 2 Found a spot off the interstate with a ton of birds Friday evening. Got a late start Saturday at 1030. It was 32 and dumping rain.
Skunks in the lowcountry? - scducks.com
2024年11月13日 · Stinky little bastards have been giving us fits right outside of Barnwell the last few years. Fortunately it seems that they can’t figure out that a vehicle going 60mph isn’t going to back down and that’s the end of Pepe Le Pew.
how does wind affect ducks? - Duck Hunting Forum
2008年11月22日 · Wind over 20 mph ducks will sit still. Ducks will land into wind true to a degree, but fly with wind upon morning flight. So when you set up remember, wind at your back they will be at your back first most often before they turn to come in for a landing.
SC Ducks Forum
2021年5月19日 · BMAC_ducks. View Profile View Forum Posts Yesterday, 11:14 AM. infusion therapy.
Ducks are gone
2025年1月13日 · A and very few geese. They either kept going past to south arkansas or they are holed up on the missouri and Platte rivers. The least ducks I've seen out there in the past 25 years. Hearing some rumors about a guy just south of big lake that has bought up close to 10,000 acres to farm for ducks. Has a huge refuge of his own.
20 Gauge Loads - Duck Hunting Forum
2023年10月20日 · If you keep your shots under 30 yards you should be golden with just about any steel 4 or 3 shot on the market. Steel 3s are a better all around shot size for big ducks in my opinion. Out to 40 yards I'd say steel 3 shot maybe even 2s for big ducks later in the season. Honestly I don't like steel 4s for big ducks and find 3s to be a better option.
mixing ducks and geese - Duck Hunting Forum
2006年10月3日 · The ducks seem to stay together when they are mixed in with the geese. This seems to be a big debate, but I'm sort of left with the impression that the ducks and geese don't really care that much. It does seem that ducks are more …