Fabric Ductwork & Fabric Ducting Systems | DuctSox
DuctSox® air dispersion products are an innovative and cost effective fabric alternative to traditional metal ductwork providing precise and efficient heating, cooling, or ventilating for virtually any building application. DuctSox systems are well established in the HVAC industry.
Fabric Duct Sizing & Design | DuctSox
DuctSox fabrics do not scratch or dent. Unlike metal ductwork, DuctSox fabric comes in a variety of standard colors, patterns, and custom colors direct from the factory and can be personalized with company logos, mascots, taglines, and patterns.
Fabric Air Duct System Products | DuctSox
Different than conventional metal ductwork, DuctSox products are engineered and manufactured for each project. Designs can be simple, straight systems or very intricate layouts which incorporate fittings and transitions. Sections are zippered together to form extended lengths with a variety of diameters.
布质送风系统 | DuctSox | 瑞泰 - Rite-Hite
DuctSox的传统应用 客户定制化的空气分散系统,适用于开放或已完成的天花板。 提供各种形状,悬浮/固定系统,布局/安装,空气分散体,以及织物的选择。
品牌简介 - 上海德克索斯系统工程有限公司 - DUCTSOX
德克索斯®品牌简介 德克索斯®是上海德克索斯系统工程有限公司旗下品牌,位于上海市高新技术开发区,是一家集纤维织物风管系统研发、设计、制造、安装为一体的品牌;专注于纤维织物风管应用领域的升级创新,提供各行业纤维织物风管系统解决方案,是亿滋食品、光明乳业、联合利华 …
Ductsox公司的目标包括开发及保持全球性营销和制造策略,并研发出最佳的产品并替客户提供更好的解决方案。 Ductsox公司在中国昆山建立生产厂,主营 德克索司纤维空气分布系统等。
Fabric HVAC Ductwork | DuctSox - Rite-Hite
DuctSox Fabric Ductwork & Diffuser Systems offer versatility for heating, cooling, or ventilating commercial and industrial building applications. They provide a cost effective, aesthetically attractive alternative to metal ductwork and diffusers.
DuctSox Products are Fabric Ductwork and Diffuser Systems used for heating, cooling, or ventilating. They are a cost effective, aesthetically attractive alternative to metal ductwork and diffusers. Each DuctSox System is 100% custom made, starting from the engineering design to the manufactured product.
Fabric Duct Installation & Specs | DuctSox
View DuctSox installation guides as well as specification sheets, drawings, brochures and other informational materials.
DuctSox品牌介绍,DuctSox品牌联系方式,DuctSox是行业十大 …
2022年4月28日 · 德克索斯(DuctSox)布风管在美国生产,采用美国标准。 风管材质分渗透、非渗透两种,渗透率从有10种以上,出风模式分为渗透出风、喷口出风、条缝出风、射流出风等,材料功能分为阻燃B级、除甲醛、抗菌、吸声、抗静电,安装方式有单钢丝绳、双钢丝绳、单 ...