Welcome to the First German University of the 21st Century - uni-due.de
As one of Germanys largest universities, we offer an extensive range of subjects: You can choose from over 250 bachelor and master programmes as well as teacher training and medicine. Admittedly, the Ruhr Area is not New York City. But almost.Living in Duisburg & Essen.
DUE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Be due to is used to talk about things that are expected or planned to happen at a certain time. We often use it with a time expression: … He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard. 他又失败了,但说句公道话,他确实尽力了。 Members of the society pay £1,000 in annual dues. 这个社团的会员每年支付1000美元的会费。 From here, you go due east until you get to …
due的八种用法 - 百度知道
2024年9月21日 · 在这篇文章中,我将介绍due的八种不同用法,并从多个角度进行分析。 1. 形容词:表示应该发生的或者被期望出现的事情。 例如,“The report is due tomorrow”。 2. 副词:表示合适或者适当的时间。 例如,“The party is due to start at eight”。 3. 动词:意为“应付”或者“待付”。 例如,“The rent is due on the first of the month”。 4. 介词:表示“由于”,“因为”。 例如,“He couldn't attend the meeting due to illness”。 5. 名词:指应该得到或者该被做的事情。
你真的理解了due date吗,不是「到期日」,也不是「预计完成日 …
信用卡的due date就是should-pay date即你应该在这个日期还款, amount due即should pay amount即你应该要还的金额。 孕妇的预产期due date就是 should-bear date即预计在这一天分娩。 The order is due to ship on Monday 是指订单预计在星期一出货,= should ship on Monday。 with all due respect就是with all should-give respect即所有应该给的尊重,意译为恕我直言。 She is due for promotion 是指 She should get promotion,也就是She deserves promotion。
为什么这两年留学生都不说赶ddl而说赶due? - 知乎
2016年10月17日 · due做动词,时常与north/south/east/west 这四个方位词连用,表示 exactly; in a straight line 正向;正对着 due做名词,一个是表示某人应有的东西,应得到的权利;另一个就还是扯到钱上,表示应缴款。
The First German University of the 21st Century - uni-due.de
The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) - one of the youngest and largest universities in Germany - is located in the middle of the Ruhr Metropolitan Region. Its broad spectrum of subjects ranges from humanities, social sciences and education to economics, engineering, natural sciences and medicine.
Die erste deutsche Universität des 21. Jahrhunderts
Bei uns lassen sich aktiv Zukunftspläne schmieden - und natürlich helfen wir dabei. Dafür gibt´s auf unserem Portal zur Studienorientierung alle Infos , die für eine gute Studienwahl und -entscheidung nötig sind. Damit jede und jeder das Richtige findet.
DUE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Be due to is used to talk about things that are expected or planned to happen at a certain time. We often use it with a time expression: … He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard. 他又失敗了,但說句公道話,他確實盡力了。 Members of the society pay £1,000 in annual dues. 這個社團的會員每年支付1000美元的會費。 From here, you go due east until you get to …
Dürr Aktiengesellschaft (DUE.DE) - Yahoo Finance
Find the latest Dürr Aktiengesellschaft (DUE.DE) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.