Bufo Toad: The Poisonous Terror Crippling Much Of Florida - All …
2019年3月26日 · Perhaps most importantly, particularly for those in the Mirabella neighborhood, the bufo toad secretes a highly toxic, milky liquid from the glands on its head when it feels …
杜甫(712年2月12日 [1]—770年), 字 子美,自号少陵野老,祖籍 襄阳 (今属湖北),生于 巩县 (今河南巩义)。 唐代 著名现实主义诗人。 常被称为“ 老杜 ”,又与 李白 合称“ 李杜 ”“ 大 …
杜甫 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
杜甫 (712年2月12日—770年), 字 子美, 號 少陵野老, 諡號 杜陵野客 、 杜陵布衣, 唐朝 现实主义 诗人,其著作以弘大的社會寫實著稱。 杜甫家族出于 京兆杜氏 分支,唐朝时京兆杜氏 …
Du Fu English Translations - Chinese Poems
Du Fu English Translations Click on the title of each poem for the text in Chinese characters, pinyin, gloss, notes and references. Autumn Meditations (1) Du Fu Jade dew withers and …
杜甫的诗词全集、诗集(1145首全) - 国学荟
杜甫 (712-770),字子美,汉族,唐朝河南巩县(今河南郑州巩义市)人,自号 少陵野老,唐代伟大的现实主义 诗 人,与 李白 合称“ 李杜 ”。 为了与另两位诗人 李商隐 与 杜牧 即“ 小李 …
Bufo Toad — How to Identify These Toxic Florida Reptiles
The Bufo toad (Bufo marinus) — also known as the marine toad, giant toad, and cane toad — is a huge brown to grayish-brown toad with a creamy yellow belly and deeply-pitted parotoid …
Duttaphrynus scaber - Wikipedia
Duttaphrynus scaber is a widespread and common toad in India and Sri Lanka up to elevations of about 300 m (980 ft) asl. It is a terrestrial species that occurs in various habitats: wet …
Bufo - Wikipedia
As traditionally defined, it was a wastebasket genus containing a large number of toads from much of the world but following taxonomic reviews most of these have been moved to other …
BBC是如何把杜甫介绍给全世界的? - 知乎专栏
4月6日,BBC推出了最新纪录片 Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet (《杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人》)。 该片由BBC最受欢迎的主持人之一、历史学家 迈克尔·伍德 (Michael Wood)执导,在 …
Asiatic toad - Wikipedia
The Asiatic toad or Chusan Island toad (Bufo gargarizans) is a species of toad endemic to East Asia. The species was previously classified as Bufo bufo gargarizans, a subspecies of the …