White's tree frog owners - how big is your enclosure and how
2022年11月3日 · It depends on the frogs but you can keep multiple dumpy frogs together. Just make sure they’re relatively the same size because dumpys will eat anything they can fit in their mouths Reply reply More replies
My Whites-Dumpy tree frog doesn't like meal worms?! - Reddit
2016年10月24日 · I finally got my Dumpy tree frog a week ago now and he's eating and pooping but all he'll eat are crickets. I've tried presenting the meal worms in every way I could think of (tweezers, by hand, left in a dish, left in front of him) and they're alive and squirming of course.
Live plants good for whites tree frog tank? : r/Vivarium - Reddit
2020年4月16日 · Multiple Whites Tree Frog however can be a great deal of fun! They form silly little froggy stacks and are very cute to watch. Just make sure your enclosure is big enough (a rough guideline is 20g for the first frog and an additional 10g for every frog thereafter, but be aware that they all have individual personalities and some frogs may need ...
[Question] White’s tree frog spending lots of time on the ground.
2017年12月16日 · [Question] White’s tree frog spending lots of time on the ground. I purchased a young (7 months or so) dumpy recently and moved him into a three foot tall tank with an 18”x18” bade. Despite the vertical space, he doesn’t seem to climb at all.
tips on getting a dumpy tree frog? : r/frogs - Reddit
2023年8月12日 · Are you looking at an adult frog or babies? That will determine tank size. If you want 2, you’ll want to get them the same size, otherwise the big one will eat all the food… or the smaller one. They’re not above eating a smaller frog… 2 babies can be in a 12x12x18 tank.
To anyone who owns a Whites Tree frog... - Reddit
2022年11月20日 · Whites tree frogs should be rounder, they are also called "dumpy" tree frogs for a reason. But they shouldn't have "earlids" as i call them, where they store so much water/fat that they get rolls and it covers their ears. Round body, well defined leg muscles and a full body but no wrinkles! Many people have obese whites frogs.
Neon green spots on my White's Tree Frog? : r/frogs - Reddit
2022年3月6日 · I'm really concerned because one of my whites tree frogs suddenly developed very bright neon green spots on her head. I was just done feeding her and then she laid under the heat lamp for a while. I checked on her and suddenly saw these spots. She lives with three more frogs and they all look fine. She behaves normally but I am still very scared.
What is wrong with my dumpy frog? : r/TreeFrogs - Reddit
2024年4月2日 · Do not feed your frog mealworms they have a shell like body and it doesn’t digest well, I suggest handling her less for a little while and refrain from feeding both of them for one or two days and then once you get back to them they’ll be begging for food and attention you shouldn’t really be touching them 24 seven once or twice a day is ...
White’s tree (dumpy) frog soaking in water bowl way more
I’ve had my dumpy for about 6 months- she is about 8 months old from my estimation. She has been very healthy this entire time. She is always eager to eat and spends most of her days basking on the warmer side of the tank. I maintain a thermal gradient anywhere from 70 on the cool end to 85 on the hottest part of her basking spot.
r/dumpytreefrogs - Reddit
can a baby white tree frog and a full grow white tree frog live together? i have had my baby white tree frog for about a year now i got her when she was just turning into a frog from a tadpole, so she is about halfway done growing and i have a full grown one who i had for about 2 years now but i do think she is mush older then that and so i was just wondering if i can move them in …