Set up Google Duo
If you call someone not saved in your contacts, Duo will display your phone number so they can see who’s calling. Use Duo to call your contacts Video calls with anyone in your contacts who uses Duo: Call friends and family across different devices like Android, iOS, computers, Nest Hub, Nest Hub Max, Lenovo Smart Display, and JBL Link View.
Set up Google Duo - Android - Google Duo Help
Step 1: Install Duo. Duo is available on Android phones and tablets. When you sign up, you'll get a verification code on your phone. Download and install Duo Step 2: Verify your phone number. You can skip phone number verification. If you skip this step, you have to connect to your Google Account. Learn more about verified numbers.
Set up Google Duo - iPhone & iPad - Google Duo Help
Step 1: Install Duo. Duo is available on iPhones and iPads. When you sign up, you'll get a verification code on your phone. Download and install Duo Step 2: Verify your phone number. You can skip phone number verification. If you skip this step, you have to connect to your Google Account. Learn more about verified numbers.
Make calls with Google Duo
You can use Google Duo to make video or voice calls. All calls are made through your mobile data plan or a WiFi connection. Calls don't use your mobile minutes. If you use your mobile data, charges ma
Set up Google Duo
Step 1: Install Duo. Duo is available on Android phones and tablets. When you sign up, you'll receive a verification code on your phone. Download and install Duo Step 2: Verify your phone number. You can skip phone number verification. If you skip this step, you have to connect to your Google Account. Learn more about verified numbers.
Google Duo Help
Official Google Duo Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Duo and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Download the new Google Meet app - Computer - Google Duo Help
Google Duo and Google Meet have been combined into a new Meet app for video calling and meetings. You can access your meetings in the new Meet app
Configurer Google Duo - Ordinateur - Aide Google Duo
Les personnes qui connaissent votre numéro de téléphone peuvent voir que vous utilisez Duo et vous appeler via l'application. Si vous associez votre compte Google, elles peuvent également vous contacter via les services Google. Duo peut envoyer périodiquement vos contacts et vos données de localisation à Google.
Google Duo instellen - Computer - Google Duo Help
Als je iemand belt die niet in je contacten is opgeslagen, laat Duo je telefoonnummer zien zodat ze kunnen zien wie er belt. Duo gebruiken om je contacten te bellen Videogesprekken met je contacten die ook Duo gebruiken: Bel vrienden en familie op verschillende apparaten, zoals Android, iOS, computers, Nest Hub, Nest Hub Max, Lenovo Smart ...
Google Duo einrichten - Computer - Google Duo-Hilfe
Wenn Sie Duo mit Ihrem Google-Konto verbinden, können sie Sie auch über andere Google-Dienste kontaktieren. Sie erlauben Duo, Ihre Kontakte und Ihren Standort regelmäßig an Google zu senden. Wenn Sie jemanden anrufen, der nicht in Ihren Kontakten gespeichert ist, wird Ihre Telefonnummer in Duo angezeigt, damit Ihr Gesprächspartner sieht ...