Dusky shark - Wikipedia
The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, occurring in tropical and warm-temperate continental seas worldwide.
Dusky Shark– Facts, Size, Behavior, Diet, Pictures - Shark Sider
Dusky sharks are a requiem shark known for their slow growth rate, taking around 20 years to reach adulthood. They are also known for their seasonal migrations, for which they form temporary schools, disbanding and becoming solitary once they reach their destination.
Dusky Shark - National Geographic
Dusky sharks, also known as bronze or black whalers, are long-distance swimmers known for seasonal, temperature-driven migrations that males and females undertake in separate groups.
Dusky Shark: Characteristics, Habitat, and Threats - American …
In this section, we will discuss the physical characteristics, habitat and range, diet, and behavior of dusky sharks. Dusky sharks have a streamlined body with a rounded snout and sickle-shaped pectoral fins. They have a caudal fin with a long upper lobe and a shorter lower lobe.
Dusky shark - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, occurring in tropical and warm-temperate continental seas worldwide. A generalist apex predator, the dusky shark can be found from the coast to the outer continental shelf and adjacent pelagic waters, and has been recorded from a depth of 400 m ...
Wildlife Fact Sheets: Dusky Shark - Ocean Conservancy
Dusky sharks are big ocean predators that can reach up to 400 lbs. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world and make long seasonal migrations all the way from the equator to the poles.
Dusky shark - Carcharhinus obscurus - Shark Research Institute
The shark is found on continental and insular shelves and oceanic water adjacent to them. It ranges from the surf zone to far out to sea, and from the surface down to 1312 ft [400 m]. DISTRIBUTION Cosmopolitan in warm temperate and tropical seas. BIOLOGY . Prey – Small sharks feed on bottom dwelling animals.
Dusky Shark – Discover Fishes - Florida Museum
Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky sharks are wide-ranging coastal and pelagic species that prefer temperate to tropical waters. They are large-bodied, typically grey with dusky margins on the fins. They are an important fisheries resource, targeted and taken as bycatch around the world.
Dusky Shark Fish Facts - Carcharhinus obscurus - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · The dusky shark is one of the largest in the shark species and has a long streamlined body. Their backs are brownish-gray, and they have a pale white underbelly. Dusky sharks are in high demand in the shark fin trade.
Carcharhinus obscurus, Dusky shark : fisheries, gamefish - FishBase
A large shark with a broadly rounded snout, triangular saw-edged upper teeth, curved moderate-sized pectoral fins, and an interdorsal ridge (Ref. 5578). Blue-grey, lead-grey above, white below; tips of pectoral and pelvic fins, as well as lower lobe of caudal fin and dorsal fins often dusky in young, plain in adults (Ref. 9997 ).