Tournament DUU 2019 Circuit Playoffs - Won by SMB - Smogon …
2020年1月5日 · DUU Circuit info. This is the top eight playoff and culmination of the 4 DUU tournaments that were run over the course of 2019. The top 4 finishers in this playoff will receive real cash prizes! First place will receive $50 (as well as a custom role in the DOU Discord), second place will receive $20, and the other top 4 finishers will receive $10.
Tournament DUU Fall Showdown II (Won by Mishimono)
2019年11月11日 · DUU Circuit info. This is the final installment in the 2019 DUU circuit. For full information on this circuit, please see this post. You can earn points by finishing well in this tournament, which will count towards an overall score. The map for how many points you can earn will be below these notes.
Gen 7 Competitive Discussion | Smogon Forums - Smogon …
2019年11月21日 · Tournament DUU 2019 Circuit Playoffs - Won by SMB. Feb 10, 2020; n10siT; SM Monotype.
SM Doubles OU | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2016年11月17日 · Tournament DUU 2019 Circuit Playoffs - Won by SMB n10siT; Jan 5, 2020; Replies 14 Views 4K. Feb 10, 2020 ...
Metagame - Doubles UU | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2017年3月9日 · | 446 | Hoopa | 0.01633% | 427 | 0.102% | 0 | 0.000% | DUU last gen Among the list, some things that are significant are our huge number of dragons, Sylveon, Sun, and our large number of priority users such as Talonflame and Thund, Our number of intimidators such as Scrafty, Gyarados, and Mence, redirectors in Togekiss, Blastoise, and Clef, as ...
Resource SV UU Sample Teams - Smogon University
2025年2月21日 · When we got the new shifts a week ago, I really wanted to try out our two new toys : Greninja and Cyclizar. In this team, Greninja acts as a great pivot which can pressure defensive cores based around Wo-Chien + Ground-type (Hippowdon, Gastrodon or Quagsire).
Other DUU Last Chance Round 1 - Smogon University
2023年10月30日 · SV DUU Last Chance Tournament Round 1 SPECIFIC RULES. This is a standard SV Doubles UU tournament; This tournament will be Single Elimination Format; The number of rounds will be determined by the number of signups. We will have enough rounds to determine a winner. Players will be eliminated once they have lost one round. Rounds will be Best of ...
SM Doubles OU - Smogon University
DUU 2019 Circuit Playoffs - Won by SMB. Grapploct is 'illegal'? Doubles OU Team Bazaar 2.0. DUU Fall ...
Metagame - Doubles UU | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2020年1月1日 · Big thanks to Jolly Togekiss ^-^ for this fantastic artwork! What is Doubles UU? Doubles UU, sometimes abbreviated as DUU or just UU in the context of Doubles, is exactly what it sounds like. It's a Doubles metagame in which the pokemon in Doubles OU by usage are banned. Where can I play it...
Metagame - Doubles Ubers | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2020年3月14日 · Tornadus - Players familiar with VGC 2019 will recognize the infamous "TornOgre" combo, combining Prankster Tailwind with sure-hit Hurricanes to pressure the Grass-types Kyogre hates fighting. Dynamic speed mechanics really bolster its role, and it has Brutal Swing as a way to trigger a speedy Dusk Mane's Weakness Policy.