Dynamic Virtual IP Addressing (DVIPA) - IBM
DVIPA for an application server allows an application to create and activate VIPA so that the VIPA moves when the application moves. This means that application instances on a failing node may be distributed among all surviving nodes.
Dvipa - Wikipedia
Dvipa (Sanskrit: द्वीप, lit. 'island', IAST: Dvīpa) [1] is a term in Hindu cosmography. The Puranas describe a dvipa to be one of the seven islands [2] or continents that are present on earth, each of them surrounded by an ocean. [3] The same terminology is also used to refer to the seven regions of the cosmos. [4][5]
Dynamic virtual addressing - IBM
DVIPAs allow servers to be made available independently of hardware or software failures. This can be done dynamically by TCP/IP or even by a system automation product. Single image. DVIPA allows multiple LPARs to appear to be a single, highly available network host.
Multiple application-instance DVIPA - IBM
Multiple application-instance DVIPA is conceptually the same as unique application instance DVIPA. The difference is in the layer at which the DVIPA is associated. With multiple application-instance DVIPA, the VIPA address is activated by and associated with the entire TCP/IP stack.
We show how to use the functions of DB2 sysplex workload balancing functions, supported by DB2 ConnectTM Server and the IBM DB2 Driver for JDBCTM and SQLJ, in conjunction with the functions of TCP/IP Sysplex Distributor, configured with Dynamic Virtual IP address (Dynamic VIPA or DVIPA) and automatic VIPA takeover, to provide superior load distr...
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If all the members in the server list are tried and none seem to be available, the initial data source url (Distributed DVIPA or a domain name that equates to it) is retried.
Each application opens three listening sockets: 1) A listener bound to the distributed port and DVIPA using the BIND keyword on the PORT reservation statement. 2) A listener bound to its application instance DVIPA and the distributed DVIPA port.
Configuring distributed DVIPAs — sysplex distributor
You can distribute connections destined for a dynamic VIPA (DVIPA) by adding a VIPADISTRIBUTE configuration statement for a previously defined dynamic VIPA. The order of the statements is important. The VIPA is first defined with the VIPADEFINE statement and then included on a VIPADISTRIBUTE statement.