DxH Slidemaker Stainer II Cellular Analysis System
The DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) prepares slides automatically based on orders received from your LIS. Select your own criteria for blood film preparation and define your own staining protocols. Receive high-quality slides on first pass, speeding the decision-making process and aiding cell classification and diagnosis.
DxH 900 High-volume lab hematology analyzer | Beckman Coulter
With its best-in-class hematology technology, this automated analyzer minimizes slide reviews, maximizes laboratory staff time, and provides significant cost savings. The DxH 900 offers scalable, customized solutions to address the hematology testing needs of high-volume labs.
玻片染色样品制备系统 - DxH - Beckman Coulter - MedicalExpo
DxH Slidemaker Stainer II(SMS II)可根据从 LIS 收到的订单自动准备玻片。 选择您自己的血片制备标准,定义您自己的染色方案。 第一次就能收到高质量的切片,加快决策过程,帮助细胞分类和诊断。
DxH Slidemaker Stainer II Cellular Analysis System - Healthcare
The DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) prepares slides automatically based on orders received from your LIS. Select your own criteria for blood film preparation and define your own staining protocols.
The UniCel DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) Coulter Cellular Analysis System redefines workflow by preparing slides automatically from orders received through the laboratory’s LIS. The system delivers reliable results on the first pass, lowering costs, maximizing productivity and increasing quality, so staff members can spend time where it ...
View and Download Beckman Coulter UniCel DxH user manual online. analysis system. UniCel DxH laboratory equipment pdf manual download.
贝克曼库尔特UniCel DxH 800五分类血细胞分析仪-贝克曼库尔特 …
模块化设计使您无需任何连接轨道即可灵活的与血液分析仪 (DxH 800) 或全自动推片染片系统 (DxH SMS) 进行连接. 贝克曼库尔特UniCel DxH 800血细胞分析仪是新型号的五分类高效血液细胞分析仪。 它拥有高质量的检测结果、创新性的检测效率、突破性的拓展能力及卓越的幼稚细胞报警 …
DxH Slidemaker Stainer II - SelectScience
The DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) prepares slides automatically based on orders received from the LIS. Select the criteria for blood film preparation and define the staining protocols. Receive high-quality slides on first pass, speeding the decision-making process and aiding cell classification and diagnosis.
DxH 900 Workcell Automated Hematology Solution - Beckman Coulter
Connect up to three DxH 900 hematology analyzers with a DxH Slidemaker Stainer II (SMS II) to form scalable and customized workflow solutions, compatible with DxA 5000 and DxA Fit 5000 lab automation and REMISOL Advance middleware
DxH血液分析流水线 - 更精准、更高效 - Beckman Coulter
基于VCSn技术,结合智能微数技术(AccuCount)和非线性柔变轮廓分类及智能动力系统,UniCel® DxH 800 Coulter® 血液分析仪可以为您提供十余种幼稚细胞的报警:
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