Tobii Dynavox Global: Assistive technology for communication
Communication apps, speech generating devices, eye trackers and eye gaze/eye-controlled devices for people with disabilities and special needs who require AAC.
All Products - Tobii Dynavox US
Discover Tobii Dynavox assistive technology devices, communication apps and accessories for AAC (augmentative and alternative communication).
Assistive technology devices for AAC - Tobii Dynavox US
Discover our assistive technology devices, including speech generating devices and eye trackers. Narrow your search by filtering for access method, which refers to the way in which a person …
Tobii Dynavox 2100 Wharton Street Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Phone: 1 (800) 344-1778 Fax: 1 (412) 381-5241
DynaVox - Wikipedia
Tobii Dynavox is a Swedish-based developer, manufacturer, and distributor of speech generating devices headquartered in Danderyd, Sweden, with offices in Pittsburgh, Norway, Germany, …
Tobii Dynavox US: Assistive technology for communication
Communication apps, speech generating devices, eye trackers and eye gaze/eye-controlled devices for people with disabilities and special needs who require AAC.
Apps & software - Tobii Dynavox Global
Discover our software and apps for communication, computer access, special education and analysis. Narrow your search by filtering for access method, which refers to the way in which a …
All Products - Tobii Dynavox Global
Discover Tobii Dynavox assistive technology devices, communication apps and accessories for AAC (augmentative and alternative communication).
Software & apps for communication, AAC and eye control - Tobii Dynavox …
Shop our apps and software for AAC (augmentative & alternative communication) and eye control/eye tracking/eye gaze.
Company in brief - Dynavox Group
Dynavox Group AB (publ) is the parent company for Tobii Dynavox, the global leader in assistive communication. Headquartered in Stockholm, and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (DYVOX), …
TD Navio - Tobii Dynavox US
Various funding options may exist, including local AAC services and charitable organisations, however these vary from each country to city. Please contact your local Tobii Dynavox …
About Us - Tobii Dynavox Global
It began with two assistive technology pioneers: Sweden-based Tobii Technology and U.S.-based DynaVox. In 2014, the companies merged to give a voice to people with disabilities worldwide.
Communicator 5 - mytobiidynavox
Includes Built-in applications such as E-mail, Facebook, Text messaging, Telephony, a Music Player, Calendar, Picture Viewer, Calculator, Skype, IR remote control, and Camera. (Note: …
About Us - Tobii Dynavox US
It began with two assistive technology pioneers: Sweden-based Tobii Technology and U.S.-based DynaVox. In 2014, the companies merged to give a voice to people with disabilities worldwide.
Find learning resources on many topics - Tobii Dynavox Global
Find learning resources on a range of topics to boost your knowledge of Tobii Dynavox products and general best practice in AAC and assistive technology.
Sono Flex - Tobii Dynavox US
It's easy to use and customize to meet changing needs. Combine core and topic-based vocabulary dynamically with over 11,000 SymbolStix® symbols and over 50 pre-set phrases - …
Communicator 5 - Tobii Dynavox Global
Communicator 5 can be used with multiple access methods including eye gaze, touch and switch scanning. This flexible communication software is also a springboard to the internet, the …
Training and Learning Resources - Tobii Dynavox Global
Find training and resources on a range of topics to boost your knowledge of Tobii Dynavox products and best practice in AAC and assistive technology.